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Tutorials Database

From HL7Wiki
Revision as of 00:32, 27 March 2012 by Jenaker (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Requirements for a Tutorial Tracking System== The following requirements have been identified 1. Record offerings *At WGM *At Education Summits *Outside *Webinar *E learning ...")
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Requirements for a Tutorial Tracking System

The following requirements have been identified

1. Record offerings

  • At WGM
  • At Education Summits
  • Outside
  • Webinar
  • E learning
  • All methods and venues

2. Need to cover the world, not just the USA

3. Need to support collection of course participation for use in the certification program

4. Need to be able to maintain a record of tutorial participants, instructors, students etc.

5. Need link into HL7 International tutorial registration system

6. Need to attach competencies and learning objectives to each topic

7. Need to link the references/course materials for each tutorial offering

8. Must be able to group competencies to levels of achievement - REMOVED

9. Needs to facilitate recording of a primary instructor and a backup instructors for a tutorial offering

10. Need to be able to access the availability of an instructor/backup when linking to a tutorial offering

11. Maintain a list of persons capable of teaching a topic

12. Need to record evaluations and comments per tutorial offering

13. Track where offered

14. Track attendance

15. Track expenses/ income

16. Track which HL7 affiliate(s) serve as host - REMOVED

17. Track what organization (HL7 International and affiliates as well as organizations external to HL7) was responsible for the offering

18. Track education provider educations to provide education status - REMOVED

19. Track language(s) the offering was conducted

20. Track regional/national specializations of existing offerings or for unique offerings

21. Need link to certification and awards for production of certificates and reproduction or meeting requests for replacement certificates.

22. Where do our students come from? What part of the industry, technical, clinical, admin etc.

23. Know who attended, as opposed to who attends

24. Should be accessible anywhere

25. Must support role based access control

26. Allow for the HL7 defined minimum data set, and localization of input