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March 6, 2012 Security Working Group Conference Call

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Security Working Group Meeting

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  1. (05 min) Roll Call, Approve Minutes & Accept Agenda
  2. (15 min) Cochair Discussion
  3. (15 min) Role of HL7 Security and Privacy Ontology in HL7 Artifacts Kathleen Connor
  4. (15 min) Mobile Devices Security and Privacy Registration link. ONC coming event(f2f or web) on March 16:
  5. (5 min) Other Business


  • Mike Davis, presiding cochair
  1. (05 min) Mike asked for review and approval of the February 28th Minutes. Suzanne moved to approve ; Trish seconded. Bill abstained. Minutes approved 3-1-0
  2. (15 min) Mike led Cochair Discussion: Security WG missed the deadline for requesting a fourth cochair. Mike said that the current cochairs decided it would be best to wait until Vancouver WGM. The possibility of announcing interested candidates prior to the Vancouver meeting was discussed. Mike will investigate approaches for nominating or appointing interim cochairs either by having cochairs appoint an interim cochair or wait till the WGM. Kathleen noted that she had previously nominated Trish Williams at the last WGM. Trish indicated her great interest in running for the fourth cochair position.

Action Items

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