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2012-03-15 Tooling Call

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Tooling Meeting Template

Meeting Information

HL7 Tooling Meeting Agenda/Minutes

Location: Phone: +1 770-657-9270;
Participant PassCode:586935#
GoToMeeting URL:

Date: 2012-12-22
Time: 10:00 am EDT
Facilitator: Jane Curry Note taker(s): Lynn Laakso
Attendee Name, Affiliation
x Stacey Berger, COH
Woody Beeler, Beeler Consulting
Wilfred Bonney, HL7 HQ
x Joshua Carmody, HL7 HQ Tooling Administrator
x Lorraine Constable, HL7 ES liaison
x Jane Curry, Co-Chair
Tim Ireland, Co-chair
x Lynn Laakso, HL7 HQ Tooling Support
x Abdul-Malik Shakir, AMS Consulting
Lloyd McKenzie, HL7 Canada/GPi
regrets Corey Spears, HL7 EHR Liaison
x Andy Stechishin, Co-chair
Michael van der Zel, HL7 CGIT liaison
x Art Griesser
Quorum Requirements Met (co-chair plus 3 counting staff): yes


Agenda Topics

  • Roll Call & Agenda Review
  • Approval of previous minutes from 2011-12-15 Tooling Call
  • Review action items -
  • Update from Tooling Liaisons:
    • Stacy Berger, CIC
    • Lorraine Constable - Electronic Services
    • Jane Curry - Templates, HL7 Board, Open Health Tools
    • Rob Snelick - CGIT
    • Corey Spears sends regrets - EHR
    • Rene Spronk -Marketing
    • Andy Stechishin - Structured Documents, Vocabulary
    • Michael Van der Zel - Patient Care, RIMBAA
  • Update on Tooling Documentation [Wilfred]
  • Update on V3 Generator Tool [Lloyd]
  • Review projects:
    • PI# 801 Tooling Strategy and Process Revision
      • Outline of strategy - Jane
    • PI# 802 Tooling Communication Plan and Execution
      • Outline of Communication Plan - Jane
    • PI# 803 Tooling DashBoard
      • Draft Measurements for Dashboard - Andy
    • PI# 804 GForge alternative assessment
    • PI# 752 Publish CDA IGs from Tooling (Tooling co-sponsor)
    • PI# 742 Model Automated Exchange (MAX) for UML Models
    • PI# 690 HL7 Static Model Designer Enhancement 1 -
    • PI# 665 MIF based Publishing Phase II
    • PI# 611 Template Registry Pilot (Tooling co-sponsor)
  • Other/New Business

Supporting Documents


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:
Call to order 10:07 AM

  • Roll Call & Agenda Review - accepted by general consent
  • Approval of previous minutes from 2011-12-15 Tooling Call, Andy moves approval, Josh seconds. Stacey and Lorraine abstain. 5/0/2 minutes approved.
  • Update from Tooling Liaisons:
    • Stacy Berger, CIC : his participation with MAX and CIC has been lacking of late. He responded to Rene's thread on RIM in UML but hopes to have something prepared for January in San Antonio. Jane asks if CIC would not have Stacey's time any longer if a process is in place with CIC to appoint a new Tooling liaison. AMS and Stacey need to make the CIC cochairs aware of the risk to Stacey's availability. AMS adds that as data comes out of a UML tool for transformation by MAX into another tool, there needs to be a common expression of what the UML elements are, to identify what they're looking for and its constraints. The UML metamodel is a starting point but there are extensions people have made that need to be brought in. Jane recommends OHT resources on XMI. Peter Denno at NIST (.gov) is recommended by Art.
    • Lorraine Constable - Electronic Services : reviewing results of website survey so no activity on the Tooling areas. Jane asks Lorraine to raise a question if we can track how much staff time goes in on work items for Electronic Services review to get a budget estimate for items that may overlap in tooling, such as the OID registry. Lorraine would like to have a cochair discussion between the two groups perhaps over lunch at the WGM as the liaison quarter overlaps their WG meeting. ACTION ITEM: Andy will follow up with Lorraine, Lorraine will add it to their next agenda, prior to the WGM. Jane will also follow up with Ted on time tracking.
    • Jane Curry - Templates, HL7 Board, Open Health Tools: everyone needs to sign up to the ballot for Templates Registry Business Process in DSTU. HL7 Board has the Government Challenge for Tooling to recommend project. OHT has announced award of funding by Rockefeller Foundation for HEART project (what used to be referred to as Shared Artifact Repository). Templates registry business process may be a model for HEART. Jane is currently acting as Project Lead. AMS adds that we have other registries such as OIDs, V2 Message Profiles. Jane notes that this will store code and assets and information artifacts and their relationships. The intent is not only for openly shared assets but to register the existence of an asset and how it interrelates with other assets but may be proprietary. A marketplace analogy is offered that some things are free, some are not. Art asks if external repositories would be included such as the way DOIs are used to identify books? Jane says leveraging technologies we want to point to instances in other registries is in scope. They want to avoid the bottleneck at the point of curating the instances and distribute that responsibility, but more information will be available on Tuesday Q1 at the WGM. Press release is intended before the WGM.
    • Rob Snelick - CGIT , was not on the call. Message last month to include MWB on list of tools to enhance.
    • Corey Spears sends regrets - EHR
    • Rene Spronk -Marketing, was not on the call. Jane will be reaching out to him on some other topics and hopes to have a report for the WGM.
    • Andy Stechishin - Structured Documents, Vocabulary. Structured Docs activity not apparent of late. They are monitoring the exchange mechanism for templates and pending something from Keith Boone. He's had other conflicts with Vocab concalls but there are business requirements documents for vocabulary tools for funding estimates by the WGM. OID registry maintenance and coordination with ES is going through Lorraine. IHTSDO workbench still under consideration, but are working through the political ramifications.
    • Michael Van der Zel - Patient Care, RIMBAA: was not on the call. Patient Care and DCM modeling tools might be a topic for suggestion on the Government Challenge. There have been conversations on the Tooling listserv about types of tools people are interested in and schematron related stuff; Andy notes that the messages this morning were from the MnM list and might need to be moved to the Tooling list.
  • Art declares his interest in UML modeling tools, not a Rose user. His company uses MagicDraw and SparxEA. Concern is with UML portability between tools, and lacking XMI portability between Rose and EA for use in MagicDraw. Many Tools now driven using meta-information. UML, Express, MIF all formats should be standardized between SDOs. He'd prefer to see exclusively UML, to reduce entry barriers to the tooling and product development process. Jane notes that this is an important objective on which HL7 would like to see responses to the Government Challenge.
  • HL7 Tooling Government Challenge - need criteria on which to judge the submissions. Art indicates the funding is inadequate to provide a solution outside of their own company. Jane notes the age-old problem. AMS was the author of the initial UML profile. He notes that the first RIM was built by a consultant for only $4k. We can do a Doodle poll on these choices and see if there are any others with Schematron and MIF… AMS suggests he would add MAX. Andy suggests we send out a Doodle poll next week for review Jan 5, with Lynn's help if needed. Jane notes it would be useful to report to the Board why this is a difficult thing to do, and take the opportunity to educate.

Adjourned 11:10 AM EST

Meeting Outcomes

  • Andy will follow up with Lorraine on ES work, Lorraine will add it to their next ES agenda, prior to the WGM. Jane will also follow up with Ted on time tracking.
  • Jane will set up Doodle poll next week.
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

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