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Common Product Model

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This page will be used to discuss the content and publication of the Common Product Model.

Ambitions & Scope

The Common Product Model (CPM) will be an overarching domain information model relating to the HL7 v3 modeling of any kind (or instance) of a 'product'. The definition of the term product is intentionally kept loose at this point, but will definitely include:

  • Medication, incl. vaccines
  • Devices used in medical services
  • Anything else a person can be exposed to

The CPM is set up as a joint initiative within HL7 project, 'sponsored' by the O&O work group.

The following stakeholders have been identified:

  • Pharmacy (for Medication and possibly for devices)
  • Patient Safety (for Individual Case Safety Reports)
  • RCRIM (for Structured Product Labeling, Regulated Product Submissions, and Drug Product Stability)
  • PHER (for vaccines used in Immunization)


This space will list a number of storyboards that relate to the different perspectives on what a product is and how it is used.

These storyboards are divided into groups:


CPM Governance as adopted during the San Diego WGM Sept 2011

The SVN repository is at

CPM Technical Corrections

Details of Current Technical Corrections and Archived Technical Corrections can be found on separate pages by clicking on the links below.

Current Technical Corrections

Archived CPM Technical Corrections

Deprecating Lot Number Text

Meeting Minutes

February 16, 2012

Attendees: Hugh Glover, Gunther Schadow, Myron Finseth, Keith Thomas, Hans Buitendijk, Rob Savage

  • Agenda:
    • How to tie IDMP back to CPM
    • Harmonization Proposals (9 total - 3 a week)
    • Technical Corrections
  • IDMP to CPM
    • So far we grew CPM to cover IDMP, but is becoming unwieldy.
    • Primary objection/concerns that if you unroll CPM people get schemas that are new to them.
    • Present CPM with CMETs, but include guidance on where things for IDMP, how to thread it together, serialization.
    • Should that information in CPM or IDMP implementation documentation? Should be in IDMP documentation.
    • We're reviewing it here as there will be adjustments likely.
    • IDMP is on same May Ballot Cycle.
  • Harmonization Proposals
    • Combined Dose Form Concept Domain - CPM-21
      • Motion to accept as proposed. Hugh Glover, Rob Savage Against: 0; Abstain: 0; In Favor: 4
    • Material Form - CPM-22
      • Concern that this cannot be put above Material. A Combined Dose Form could consist of multiple materials of different forms.
      • Suggest to carry into OO discussion in next 2 weeks.
    • Container Form Concept Definition - CPM-23
      • Motion to accept as is. Gunther Schadow, Hugh Glover. Against: 0; Abstain: 0; In Favor: 4