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Talk:EMS Projects
Revision as of 13:52, 13 February 2012 by Jlyle (talk | contribs) (moved Talk:EMS DAM to Talk:EMS Projects: increase in scope)
Recommend changing:
- EPatient.05 Street address: @ADXP = “SAL”
- EPatient.06 City: @ADXP = “CTY”
- EPatient.07 County: @ADXP = “CPA”
- EPatient.08 State: @ADXP = “STA”
- EPatient.09 Postal code: @ADXP = “ZIP”
- EPatient.10 Country: @ADXP = “CNT”
to use: ClinicalDocument/recordTarget/PatientRole/addr/streetAddressLine ClinicalDocument/recordTarget/PatientRole/addr/city ClinicalDocument/recordTarget/PatientRole/addr/county ClinicalDocument/recordTarget/PatientRole/addr/state ClinicalDocument/recordTarget/PatientRole/addr/postalCode ClinicalDocument/recordTarget/PatientRole/addr/country