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OO Behavioral Model Conceptual Specification

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Executive Summary

Business Model Conceptual Artifacts

Business Context

Business Function

For Laboratory Diagnostics (specimen testing), the following illustrates high-level business functions:

Basic business process steps:

  1. Diagnostic (or Public Health) Specimen-based Laboratory work requested for a subject (patient, animal, environmental location, etc)
  2. Specimen collected from subject
  3. Specimen accessioned by lab (i.e., enters lab testing process)
  4. Specimen processed into testable samples
  5. Samples tested by lab
  6. Results from lab testing obtained, interpreted, and approved/authorized
  7. Results returned to requester
  8. Requester determines next steps and course of action


While the above list shows the performed steps in a basic lab ordering/fulfillment process, each of these steps may be performed by different actors in any one specific process; for example, a Clinician, Laboratory Technician (e.g., phlebotomist), Investigation Team Member, the Subject (patient), or a person responsible for a Subject may collect the specimen. In addition, the steps may be performed at different locations; specimens may be collected at the point of care, at the subject's location (e.g., at a patient's home, "in the field", etc), in the testing lab, or at a specimen collection organization. The steps may also be performed in different order or not performed at all under given, specific conditions - a specimen may not require any processing prior to being tested or a specimen is assigned an accession number prior to being collected if it is being collected in the lab. Finally, the involvement of an electronic system to capture the information and facilitate the business process is not assumed in the above steps and may not be present depending upon the conditions under which each step is performed.

Conceptual Assumptions

Conceptual Role


Storyboard Activity Diagrams

Information Model Conceptual Artifacts

Conceptual Information Model

   Provide links to the Analysis Information Model for the domain

The following classes were derived from the storyboards and use cases.

Focal Objects.png

Conceptual Data Types Model

Conceptual State Model

Concept Domains

Solution Specification

Scenario #1 - Simple Lab Order


Business Scenario

The event flow for a simple lab order is shown below


Contract Roles and Agents

The commissioning and responsible parties involved in this process include:

Specification Reference Commissioning System Role Responsible System Role Operation
Order Requestor (Placer in v2) Order Request Manager createRequest
Order Request Manager Fulfillment Manager createRequest
add add add

Computational Viewpoint

The following sequence diagram depicts the interactions that support the above event flow


Service Dependencies

   Describe any dependencies of the process being specified

The parties supporting this process are the Order Request Manager and Fulfillment Manager, depicted below

OrderRequestManagmentConceptual.png FulfillmentManagementConceptual.png

Implemented Patterns

   Indicate the any patterns that apply to this process specification

Contractual Semantics and Issues

Computational Services

Order Request Manager

Fulfillment Manager