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2011-11-28 Rx Conf Call

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Revision as of 20:33, 29 November 2011 by Hugh Glover (talk | contribs)
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Chair: Melva Peters, Scribe: Hugh Glover, Julie James, Scott Robertson, John Hatem, Jean-Henri Duteau, Derek Evans, Kevin Feenan, Gerald Buchet, Tom de Jong, Ken Rubin

List Discussions


Julie is firstly checking if there is existing vocabulary for this concept. Jean-Henri agreed there was not and a harmonisation proposal would be required. There was then discussion of how to model the concept. It is not like a magistral (extemporaneous) preparation because there is a clear sequence of steps to follow for reconstitution. May need this with a mood of DEF, or RQO or EVN. There was a suggestion it was a component of supply. It is probably part of the institutional work that needs doing. In Canada it is dealt with in free text.

 Julie will provide a good example/use case
 Jean-Henri will then do some draft modelling.


Held over to next week.

Ballot Progress

Knowledgebase Query

This has posed problems with the "Blue Classes" which have required some hand crafted XML. This has now gone to Don and should be available tomorrow.

Medication Statement

Some changes had to be made, but should all be OK now.


Some minor fixes to narrative to fix. Larger problem with stray master shapes in drawing causing click through not to work. Hugh will fix and send to Don on Tuesday.

Action Item List

  • Jean Henri has a thwack of closed items to send to John so they can be closed on the list
  • Paris OOC minutes need to be approved
All - read before next week when they will be voted on
  • Melva has sent a response to RPS about the Project Scope Statement

WGM Agenda

We reviewed this and Tom noted changes to be made.

Services Project

  • Gerald reviewed some small changes that were being made to the PSS. This should go to the steering division next week.
 Hugh to send Gerald the document we approved for the PSS
  • Discussed conf call time for project. Tuesday's probably 16:00 Eastern
Gerald will circulate a poll to find a good time.