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Proposal: add CareProvision(EVN) to Scheduling domain

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Revision as of 07:46, 7 November 2011 by (talk | contribs) (Proposal has been withdrawn)
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20111104 Withdrawn, Norwegian use-case no longer relevant


  • This proposal seeks to add the A_CareEvent [identified] CMET to the Scheduling D-MIM and the response R-MIM to the Find Scheduled Encounters query. Oslo University Hospital have a use-case where they'd like to query for 'a scheduled encounter, which is part of an ongoing Careprovision'.


Storyboards require for the following details, all associated with the CareProvision:

  • It is unknown if the CareProvision (called: Care Period in the OUH specs) has an identifier. It is also unknown if the care provision has a type code.
  • The key things are: reason (diagnosis) for the care provision, responsible person, responsible unit (department, organizational part).

Proposal details

A CareProvision (see encounter part of the Patient Administration D-MIM) may be associated with (=have components) 0..* encounters. An encounter may be a component of 0..1 CareProvision events. Given that CareProvisions may have components in moods other than EVN (notably: INT), the appointment for the Encounter is part of the CareProvision just as much as the Encounter itself.

  • Add A_CareEvent [identified] with a COMPonentOf act relationship (cardinality: 0..1) to the ActAppointment class of the Scheduling D-MIM.
  • Extend the response model proposed by this (approved) Proposal: add Find Appointments Query with a "0..1 COMP A_CareEvent [identified] CMET" act relationship.

PA, September 2011 WGM

  • Proposal discussed, harmonization between domains, ask PatientCare for comments.

MOTION: to approve the proposal, and request that those that brought the proposal forward create pubication ready artefacts, to be sent to PA before November 1st, with the intent to include it into the January 2012 DSTU. (9-0-0)

Withdrawal through email

From: Line Andreassen Saele, HL7 Norway, Date: November 4, 2011, Subject: Norwegian PA proposals:

Oslo University Hospital has had a major change in the IT stategy. They will not work on this proposal any further.