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CPM Governance

From HL7Wiki
Revision as of 20:32, 12 September 2011 by Hugh Glover (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This is a draft for comment: ==Principles== The Common Product Model is freely available for any HL7 to modeller to use for representation of clinical products, devices, subst...")
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This is a draft for comment:


The Common Product Model is freely available for any HL7 to modeller to use for representation of clinical products, devices, substances or any other material that has to be identified, named and have its manufacturing, packaging, licensing or composition specified.

Modellers are encouraged to use the existing CMETs or if they are inappropriate to derive new CMETs from the core model. Alternatively CPM structures may be used as a pattern to follow. CMETs are much the preferred route since this makes change management easier and makes all CPM modelling visible from one source..

Where a modeller wishes to create a new CMET they should follow the procedure below to ensure that the CMET generated is not already covered by existing CMETs and that the concepts involved have been correctly used.


1) Notify the OO list that a new CMET is required.

2) Time will be allocated on conference calls or at working meetings to ensure the requirements for the new CMET are discussed and understood.

3) The outcome of the discussion will be either agreement that a new CMET is required or agreement that an existing CMET is adequate.

4) Where a new CMET is required it should be developed and balloted as normal.

5) When a number for the new CMET is required the keeper of CMET numbering will only issue one with the confirmation of OO that the above procedure has been followed and a new CMET has been approved.