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20110823 Marketing Call

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Revision as of 14:10, 23 August 2011 by Rene spronk (talk | contribs)
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  1. Discuss and plan for co-marketing with IHE – (input from Chuck Jaffe and Keith Boone).
  2. Discuss strategic marekting plan updates
    • Marketing Plan: Challenges, consequence of Marketing Plan: Strategic Initiatives.
    • Response to strategic questions by Chuck
      1. What should the marketing council be focusing upon?
      2. product briefs of products. TSC is working on this as well. hat's the strategy behind these product brief activities?
      3. How can marketing work with US / international requirements, how to coordinate marketing with affiliate activities?
    • Stakeholder category descriptions / Martin
      • Hospitals, Networks and other Providers
        • Healthcare / Medical Provider – A person or facility that administers health care in the ordinary course of business or practice of a profession. This group includes, but is not limited to hospitals, physician practices, physician group practices, pharmacies and pharmacists.
      • Hospitals and Healthcare Systems CEOs/CIOs
        • Senior executives, working in Healthcare Systems or Medical Providers, who are responsible for strategic, decision making related to operations and or health information systems
      • Pharmaceutical Companies
        • Entities concerned with the invention and/or management of medicinal drugs to produce positive health outcomes. This group includes pharmaceutical manufacturers and clinical (trial) researchers and sponsors.
      • Drug Benefit Providers/Pharmacy
        • Organizations concerned with the delivery, dispensing or management of medicinal drugs to patients
      • Public Health Organizations
        • Entities concerned with threats to the overall health of the population of a community based on population health analysis. It generally includes infectious disease surveillance and infectious disease control and promotion of healthy behaviours among members of the community.
      • Payers
        • Payer – an entity that pays for, funds or underwrites coverage for health care expenses. A payer may be an insurance company, a health maintenance organization (HMO), a preferred provider organization (PPO), a government agency, fiscal intermediaries, or a third party administrator (TPA).
      • National, Federal, and State Government agencies
        • Includes the profiler/enforcers. This category also includes government subsidized, but not directly government controlled, national/regional initiative organizations/foundations such as NICTIZ (Netherlands Institute for ICT in Healthcare), Carelink in Sweden, Canada Health Infoway and CfH in the UK.
      • Clinicians and Practitioners
        • Individuals who practice in a clinical capacity. Identified by the requirement to hold a license in order to practice their art. Includes doctors, nurses, chiropractors, pharmacists, physical therapists dieticians, etc
      • Professional Associations
        • Membership organizations, usually comprised of practitioners of a given industry or profession, formed for a particular mission or purpose. Examples include HIMSS (Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society), Canadian Medical Association (CMA), Canadian Pharmacists Association (CPhA).
      • Academicians
        • Individuals involved in the research or education related to health, healthcare, and its organization, management or delivery
      • Grant Makers
        • Entities that make funds available to support projects or research that advance knowledge and understanding in health or healthcare, or assist in new approaches to its organization, management or delivery
      • Vendors
        • Vendor – an entity that represents an organization that produces or sells products or systems that relate to, use, or incorporate HL7 protocol specification. Consultant – an entity that provides advice, support, and consultative services concerning HL7 protocol specifications.
      • SDO
        • Standards Development Organizations (SDOs) – organizations (like HL7) that work cooperatively to develop consensus standards (sometimes called specifications or protocols) for a particular domain. SDOs are generally not-for-profit volunteer organizations whose members develop the standards. Examples include: International Standard Organization (ISO), European Committee for Standardization (CEN), ASTM International, National Council for Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP), IHTSDO, and Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine (DICOM).
      • Patient/Citizen
        • Individuals who need or are subject to healthcare
  3. Planning of the San Diego WGM