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2011-08-15 Rx Conf Call
Revision as of 20:30, 22 August 2011 by Smrobertson (talk | contribs) (fixed 8/15 minutes being posted in 8/8)
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- Republished Ballot Content Status
- Mailing List Topics
- OOC Plans
- WGM agenda
- CPM Governance
- Action Item List
- Project Planning Review
Rob Hallowell (chair), John Hatem, Grace Clifford, Garry Cruickshank, Vassil Peytchev, Scott Robertson (scribe)
Outstanding Actions from Previous Calls
Republished Ballot Content Status
- reminder: this refers to previously balloted and accepted content which has updates which need to be applied.
- Jean-Henri is leading this, but is not on the call for an update
Mailing List Topics
- Tom typically monitors the list for extended discussions, but is not on the call for an update
- no one on the call recalls any particular list discussions
OOC Plans
- Oct 5,6, 7, overlapping with IHE Pharmacy on Oct 5
- Rob recently (8 Aug) sent OOC information to the list. Updated information sent to HL7 HQ to make it an "official" HL7 meeting. TSC currently reviewing, on the TSC agenda for 8/22. Apparent concern is that the HL7-branded part is really HL7 (not putting HL7 brand on something other than HL7), and that an HL7 Pharmacy Co-chair will be at the OCC.
WGM Agenda
- Tom is lead, not available for update
- no changes known by call attendees
CPM Governance
- Rob received a message from Hugh on this, but no update at this time.
Project Planning Review
- Melva is not on the call for an update.
- Related: John Hatam and Melva are jointly reviewing Work Group Health Monitoring criteria (see Melva's email to pharmacy ist on 8/8). There are 15 monitoring items, Pharmacy lacking on 5, others should be okay.
- Review Projects - update status: Usually addressed in Fall WGM Pharmacy plenary session.
- Review SWOT: Usually addressed in Fall WGM Pharmacy plenary session.
- Review 3 year plan: should add to plenary session
- Review Mission and Charter: should add to plenary session
- Participation in SD Conference calls: need to identify someone to attend regularly
Action Item List
none to report/update
- Reminder from Rob: there are 2 Pharmacy co-chair positions open for the upcoming WGM. Rob has decided not to re-run, although is willing to continue as a write-in candidate if there not enough candidates. Rob encourages others to step forward to lead the WG.
Agenda for next week
- Republished Ballot Content Status
- Mailing List Topics
- OOC Plans
- WGM agenda
- CPM Governance
- Project Planning Review
- Action Item List