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Imaging Integration WG

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Welcome to the Imaging Integration Work Group Wiki Site. On these pages we will manage minutes and discussion documents for work in progress.

See the main IIWG page


Co-Chair: Helmut Koenig,

Co-Chair: Harry Solomon,

Vocab Fac: Harry Solomon

Publishing Fac: Helmut Koenig


Imaging Integration collects, reviews, develops and documents use cases, information structures, message and document content related to ordering and reporting of non-textual data and associated information, including images themselves. Imaging Integration promotes the interoperation of imaging systems, PACS and associated radiological oriented systems with information systems that use HL7.


Work Products and Contributions to HL7 Processes

  • Ensure that the necessary classes and attributes are included in the HL7 Reference Information Model to allow integration with DICOM oriented systems.
  • Ensure that changes required for image integration support in the HL7 Version 2.x and Version 3 environment are enacted.
  • Facilitate the publication of HL7/DICOM Implementation Guides.

Formal Relationships With Other HL7 Groups

  • The primary relationship of Imaging Integration is with the Orders and Observations and Structured Documents Work Groups.
  • Other Work Groups with which Imaging Integration has formal relationship include:
    • Vocabulary
    • Anatomic Pathology
    • Healthcare Devices
  • Domain Experts steering division

Formal Relationship With Groups Outside of HL7

  • The DICOM Standards Committee, and its WG-20 Imaging Integration (see DICOM-HL7 Memorandum of Agreement in the Appendix to the Decision Making Process document)
  • Integrating the Healthcare Environment Consortium (IHE) sponsored by HIMSS and RSNA. (By action of the HL7 Board, HL7 has agreed to participate as a cooperating organization in the IHE initiative).

Decision Making Process

IISIG DMP document

Current Work

DICOM Supplement 150

Supplement 150: Radiation Dose Related Information in Radiology Reports has completed Public Comment, and further development will occur in DICOM WG-20 in preparation for DICOM Letter Ballot.

Supplement 155 Radiology Report Templates

A work item assigned to DICOM WG-08: Structured Reporting will develop templates for sub-sections of CDA and SR documents to capture common radiology specialty techniques and findings. WG-20/IIWG will provide a forum within HL7 for input and comment on this work, particularly from Structured Documents and Orders and Observations.