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CS Meeting Minutes

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Revision as of 16:34, 15 July 2011 by Riksmithies (talk | contribs)
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Back to Clinical Statement Work Group

July 15, 2011

Attendees: Rik Smithies, Hans Buitendijk, Rob Hausam

  • e-Vote of 23rd June (re ballot resolutions and to go to DSTU) complete and affirmative
    • Rik to monitor and chase people to help get quorum nearer end of vote (20th July)
  • e-Votes now in flight on removing CS topics and having just the universal CMET, not minimal also
  • CMET part of ballot submission done
  • Rik to submit remaining ballot content for deadlines of July 17 and 24.
  • Rik to respond to MnM approach to meet at WGM re design patterns and CS
  • Rik to follow up on outreach to other groups re use of old CMET A_SupportingClincalInfo
  • Actions from last time
    • Rik to prep to CMET for July 10 - complete
    • Rik to prep spreadsheet to divide-and-conquer attribute level descriptions - not done and unlikely to be time for this before this weeks publication deadline
    • Rik to submit motion to remove topics from documentation - Isobel did this

July 1, 2011

Attendees: Rik Smithies, Hans Buitendijk, Rob Hausam

  • e-Votes in flight on ballot reconciliation and ballot submission
    • Affirmative: 3 (Rik Smithies, Hans Buitendijk, Rob Hausam). Need two more.
  • Isobel to submit preliminary content for July 5.
  • Rik to prep to CMET for July 10
  • Rik to prep spreadsheet to divide-and-conquer attribute level descriptions
  • Rik to submit motion to remove topics from documentation.

June 17, 2011

Attendees: Rik Smithies, Hans Buitendijk, Rob Hausam

  • Reviewed the ballot reconciliation
    • Rik to follow-up with Randy Levin on experimental units
    • Hans to generate 2 motions to address two votes
  • Propose to go back to ballot as DSTU
    • Hans to get motion in e-vote to accept
  • Follow-up with Isobel to prep for updates submissions.
    • We think we can have CMETs updated as well.
    • Concern remains the attribute level documentation
  • Need to have a motion to remove the Topics from the documentation
    • Rik or Isobel to submit.

May 6, 2011

Attendees: Rik Smithies, Hans Buitendijk, Rob Hausam

  • 14 ballot retunrs, 107 to go.
  • We set the WGM agenda.

March 25, 2011

Attendees: Rik Smithies, Hans Buitendijk, Isobel Frean

  • Update on ballot progress, all ready
  • Discussion on whether to remove "Topics" from ballot. Those on call in favor of removing, no longer seem relevant. Inquorate, and short of time before ballot, even for an email vote, so leaving for now.

March 11, 2011

Attendees: Rik Smithies, Hans Buitendijk

  • NIB done
  • Project Statement is up-to-date.
  • Rik waiting for CMET process update
  • Model updates in progress.

February 25, 2011

Attendees: Rik Smithies, Rob Hausam, Hans Buitendijk

  • NIB - Just CS Pattern, not CMETs
  • Rik waiting for CMET process update
  • Should be able to get updates to model in place for ballot submission.
  • Hans to complete the project statement review.

February 11, 2011

Attendees: Rik Smithies, Rob Hausam, Hans Buitendijk

  • Isabel happy to be facilitator again
  • Hans to check on project statement
  • Rik checked with Jean on CMET IDs, but no feedback yet.
  • Rik to complete WGM Thursday Q4 minutes into wiki
  • Waiting for pattern update feedback. If we get it, great, if not, we'll still move forward with ballot.
  • A couple of updates still to apply.

January 28, 2011

Attendees: Rik Smithies, Hans Buitendijk

  • Updated Project Statement with minor edits and requested Dave Hamill / Lynn Laakso to get Project Insight up-to-date.
  • Submitted CBC for the pattern, while the CMET is idle.
  • Rik to complete WGM Thursday Q4 minutes into wiki
  • Updated pattern was sent around for comments.
    • Waiting for Rx updates/feedback and other feedback
    • Pending context conduction updates
    • Focusing on everything but attribute level descriptions first
  • Need to get CMET IDs for the new "integration" CMETs on the pattern. Rik to check who issues them.

December 17, 2010

Attendees: Rik Smithies, Hans Buitendijk, Rob Hausam

  • Doodle polls for motions are in progress. We met quorum, so if current votes stand both motions stand.
  • Model on ballot site is out-of-date. Rik is following up with Don to fix.
  • Struc Doc had us booked for Thursday Q4, while we had asked for Q3 to join with OO. Calvin never responded, so we're stuck. Hans and Bob have to attend another meeting Q4, so won't be there. We'll go with current flow as it's too late to get rooms adjusted. Disappointing, but so be it.

December 3, 2010

Attendees: Rik Smithies, Hans Buitendijk, Rob Hausam

  • January WGM Agenda
    • We updated the CS January 2011 WGM agenda.
    • Key question remaining is which quarter we will be joint with Structured Documents as they did not yet respond to our suggestion for the third quarter while we're meeting joint with OO third quarter.
  • CS and Pharmacy
    • Rik will further discuss in person during Sydney meeting.
  • Model Updates
    • We agreed it is easier to review updates applied, rather than attempting to apply updates during the meeting. Rik will sync with Patrick to ensure Rik can make updates.

November 12, 2010

Attendees: Rik Smithies, Hans Buitendijk

  • Decision Making Document
    • We finalized proposed updates to the Decision Making Document template to fit Clinical Statement.
    • The updated version is attached - File:CSWG Decisionmaking practices v2.0.doc
    • With these updates and the Mission/Vision update, Hans will send out these documents for e-vote.
  • CS and Pharmacy alignment - Rik
    • Not discussed
  • Work on the pattern
    • Not discussed
    • Required steps:
      • update to new RIM
          • start refactoring the model according to the plan
      • creation of CMETs - need to be able to publish these
  • Ballot plans
    • Not discussed
    • Required steps:
      • publishing - do we need to be using a new method yet (MIF based?)
      • attribute level descriptions

November 5, 2010

  • Admin
    • Co-chair elections are happening January for me and Hans, but I don't think action is needed, HQ deals with it all.
      • Hans to check who to submit the nomination to.
    • Workgroup health items
      • Hans to check that all minutes are posted.
      • Mission/charter up to date (and with review date)
        • Current: Continued evolution of a clinical statement model that enables different workgroups to consistently incorporate clinical statement patterns in their domain.
        • New: Continued evolution of a clinical statement model that enables different workgroups to consistently incorporate clinical statement patterns in their domain as templates, CMETs, or other valid methods.
        • Out for doodle poll. Then to SSD + Dave Hamill/Lynn Laakso.
      • Review decision making practices new version - Template, Draft:File:CSWG Decisionmaking practices v2.0.doc
        • We want to link from website to wiki page. How do we do that? Hans to check.
    • Need to get clarity on Project Health measure on con call minutes. Not meeting or no quorum does not mean not healthy.
  • Work on the pattern
    • update to new RIM
    • start refactoring the model according to the plan
    • creation of CMETs - need to be able to publish these
  • Ballot plans
    • publishing - do we need to be using a new method yet (MIF based?)
    • attribute level descriptions