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ITS WGM Minutes 2010 Oct

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ITS - Cambridge Mass, USA - WGM October 2010

Monday, October 4


Chair: Andy Stechishin Scribe: Paul Knapp

Motion: That the interim co-chair position be discontinued. PK/AW 7-0-0

Action: Paul to advise HQ to shred today’s ballots for co-chair.

The committee intends to hold meetings in Sydney in January 2011. All current co-chairs intend to be present. SPL Letter

Discussed that the question of deprecation of R1 ITS and R1.1 ITS, and SPL’s request that we not for 5 years. This topic will be raised at Steering Division tonight to determine to whom this question should be directed. The point was raised that we should have resources to delineate the ITS standards at the meeting. SPL’s underlying concern may be related to the ability to continue evolving their standards without the burden of changing data types.

Hot Topics:

  • Web Service Profile: NHS Richard Kavanagh, Vassil (Epic), Patrick Payette, Paul Knapp, Ilia Fortunov (Microsoft), Grahame G. will hold a telecon on the topic to determine if the document remains of interest, and if so when it can be rendered – not January 2011.


Chair: Paul Knapp Scribe: Andy Stechishin

RIM ITS Ballot Reconciliation

  • 36 Comments, 15 Negatives.
  • Disposition recorded on the ballot spreadsheet

Tuesday, October 5


Chair: Paul Knapp Scribe: Andy Stechishin

DN presented ECCF diagram, discussion on where the ITS products fit.

Inventory of product, projects, and specifications

  • AS will work updated product wiki page into Wiki refresh


Chair: Paul Knapp Scribe: Andy Stechishin

MITRE played YouTube video to introduce hData and start the conversation MT asked about data format being transferred

hData is a Meta-Transport platform for pre-serialized data

Could have CDA intermixed with JSON serialized objects

The model of what data is in there and where it is positioned is defined in the content profile.

Discussion of who/what groups are looking to use this technology

  • VP sees 2 groups needing
  • MT suggests soliciting someone to use this inspiring thing
  • MT has had requests for this type of usage pattern

Next steps

  • Do we push forward need to check on requirements for DSTU
  • Can we publish this cycle?


Chair: Paul Knapp Scribe: Andy Stechishin

Presented the criteria for going to DSTU ballot

MITRE team will contribute to SOA Whitepaper on using hData with RIM objects for services

Was a request for a quick overview of the hData documents

  • RFC2119 issue was noted

Discussion on use of URN versus URL for the content profiles

Discussion on the specification of code bindings

Discussion on use of the specification, decided it is a framework and the DSTU will drive out the implementers

Motion: "The hData specifications as presented at this meeting, with the amendment as discussed, should proceed to DSTU ballot in the upcoming cycle" GB/LN 12-0-0

Wednesday, October 6


Chair: Paul Knapp Scribe: Andy Stechishin

Neutral Mapping

  • RW gave project history
  • MT - our focus in RIM
  • RW agree but don't want RIM specific

Discussion on origin and home for the tool

Discussion on should we create a specification? Or should we use something else? Or should we wait and see if someone else develops one?

RW believe we need semantic mappings not structural mappings.

Overview of collected requirements and review/reaffirm. With some additional requirements being identified.

RW went through review pack posted on the wiki


Chair: Paul Knapp Scribe: Andy Stechishin

RW further talk on mapping, simplified XML, and a demonstration of the mapping tool.

GWB after making simple XML, use simple to make constrained RMIM

Methodology for simplification, make the methodology part to allow an interoperability community to transfer data

It may be possible to create a constrained RMIM from the artifacts produced by tool

Community has adopted a particular interoperability contract

Notion of community is a boundary of interoperability

  • Does require an architectural authority to govern the community

Motion: "Continue the project to validate the open mapping notation using Robert Worden's tool and move it into physical evaluation" AH/GWB 14-0-0

AS will add link to HowTo BestPractice and link to GForge

Q3 & Q4

Chair: Paul Knapp Scribe: Dale nelson


  1. Review of MDMI for applicability in Neutral Mapping Project

Ken Rubin is representing OMG in the presentation.

Southeastern Michigan health information exchange

How is information exchanged now?


  • Specs are freely available for download
  • Mapping standard
  • Hub and spoke
  • Defined dictionary for a domain
  • Gets rid of syntax
  • Structure of messages is maintained
  • Map to common, stable hub
    • combine 2 maps to get to any point
  • Each model decorates common model/dictionary
  • MDMI points to a referent index - set of indexes: RIM and subsets
  • Most stable elements are the attributes
  • Allow for dictionary elements, synonyms and near synonyms
  • Content of referent index is not part of the spec
  • Mapping to/from indexes is in the spec
  • Message mapped to to/from model or instance
  • Example/sample of mapping to CCD

Thursday, October 7


Call to order at 9:10

Review Mission and Charter.

Motion: Approve the revised mission and Mission and Charter DN/MS 5-0-0   SWOT

  • Strengths
    • International participation
    • Strong expertise in HL7 and external technologies
    • Enthusiasm for finding new solutions
  • Weaknesses
    • No strategic representation in W3C
    • Shortage of human resources
  • Opportunities
    • Light-weight content models offer the opportunity to vastly improve the attractiveness of the HL7 standards
  • Threats
    • The market perception of the ITS is that it is difficult to understand and consume.
    • Mis-perception that existing XML technology in itself make the problems go away.
    • Lack of trained personnel in the market re: the value of a model based approach.
    • Speed of market need-to-change lends to incomplete evaluation and consumes resources.

Motion: Approve the SWOT. DN/MT 5-0-0


Sydney Draft Agenda

  • Monday
    • Q3 Planning, ITS Def & Requirements
    • Q4 ITS: Status – Micro, Green, Simple, JSON
  • Tuesday
    • Q1 Specification Review – Web Services, ebXML, ITS 1.1, RIM
    • Q2 Joint with SD
    • Q3 Neutral Mapping – Simple ITS
    • Q4 Neutral Mapping – Simple ITS
  • Wednesday
    • Q1 Neutral Mapping – Simple ITS
    • Q2 hData Ballot Reconciliation
    • Q3 hData Ballot Reconciliation
    • Q4 Joint SAIF session
  • Thursday
    • Q1 Housekeeping, Next Meeting Planning
    • Q2 Hot Topics


Name Initials Email Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Andy Stechishin AS × × × × × × ×
Dale Nelson DN × × × × × × × × × × ×
Paul Knapp PK × × × × × × × × × × ×
Gerald Beuchelt GB × × × × × ×
Andy Gregorowicz AG × × × × × ×
Ann Wrightson AW × × ×
Yunwei Wang YW × × ×
Vassil Peytchev VP × × × × ×
Ilia Fortunov IF × × × × × × ×
Brian Pech BP × ×
Sarah Gaunt SG × × × × ×
Steve Fine SF × × × × × ×
Jason Bray JB × × × × × ×
Glenn Peterson ×
Lauren Hand ×
Mark Tucker MT × × × × × × ×
Gaby Jewell GJ × ×
Giorgio Cangioli ×
Lyssa Neel LN × × × × ×
Robert Worden RW × ×
Doug Pratt ×
Justin Fyfe JF × × ×
Dave Shaver DS × × ×
Alexander Henket AH × × × ×
Woody Beeler GWB ×
Jingdong Li JL × ×
Richard Kronstad RK ×
Cecil Lynch CL ×
Ken Rubin KR × ×
Ken Lord KL ×
Mark Eisner ME ×
Helen Hill HH ×
Mick Talley MiT ×
Grahame Grieve GG ×
Michael Steine MS × ×
David O'Driscoll DO ×