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2011-05-30 Rx Conf Call

From HL7Wiki
Revision as of 20:06, 6 June 2011 by Hugh Glover (talk | contribs) (→‎Agenda for Next Week)
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Hugh Glover (chair and notes), Julie James, Garry Cruickshank, John Hatem, Ana Estelrich, Debra Hahn, Jean-Henri Duteau


Melva Peters, Rob Hallowell, Tom de Jong



Draft minutes have been posted to the web site and tyo the wiki. Jean-Henri commented they were unreadable on wiki.

Hugh will look at formatting them better


John sumbited a work plan along with the minutes. This has been uploaded to GForge(SVN) at 3yr Plan.

For next week John to coordinate with Melva to produce a plan of tasks to be performed and by when

Action Item List

There are just under 70 items left on the list. The list is on GForge (SVN) at Action Item List. Hugh will pick out specific items each week and ask people to complete them in order to get the numbers reduced


The draft has been published. Ana will send a link to the list.

Agenda for Next Week

  • ISO IDMP Ballot Reconcilliation - Substances (Hugh)
  • Room and Session Planning for September WGM(Tom)
  • Planning (John/Melva)
  • Action Item List (Hugh/John)
    • Orlando Items - progress
    • Assignments for next week :)
  • ISO Dose Syntax
    • JIC Expectations (Tim/Tom)
  • Vocab Harmonisation from Canada - Melva?
  • WGM Minutes Review
  • DMP, WGM survey (confirm who will do it, if it isn't done already), review of Mission and Charter – all things that would give us a better report card :) (Melva)
  • XDW