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Nutrition Management

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Back to Orders & Observations WG main page

Back to OO Projects page

Scope of Nutrition Orders Project

The goal of the project is to create a Domain Analysis Model (DAM) for diet and nutrition orders which will describe medical diet orders, nutritional supplements, enteral tube feedings and nutrition service-related requests. This project will be a joint project between HL7 and the American Dietetic Association (ADA) and our international counterparts, where ADA representatives along with food and nutrition management software vendors will provide domain expertise to help develop content documents and storyboards. Currently, there is no accepted published vocabulary standard for diet codes. Therefore, this project has potential dependencies with the work products of the Electronic Health Records work group’s Electronic Nutrition Care Process Record System (ENCPRS) project in that the ENCPRS project seeks to leverage the placement of the International Dietetics and Nutrition Terminology into standardized vocabularies such as UMLS, LOINC, SNOMED, or others.


Co-Chair: Patrick Loyd; 415-209-0544,

Project Facilitator: Patrick Loyd

Domain Expert Representatives (Representing American Dietetic Association): Margaret Dittloff, MS RD; Elaine Ayres;

Conference Calls and Minutes

Dates: Meets w/regularly scheduled OO conference calls. Weekly on Thursdays.

Time: 13:00 - 14:00 EST

Phone Number: +1 (770) 657 9270

Participant Passcode: 653212


