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ITS Concall Minutes 20110426

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Return to ITS Meeting Minutes

ITS Teleconference - April 26, 2011

Present: Andy Stechishin (AS), Brian Pech (BP), Ilya Fortunov (IF), Gerry Beuchelt (GB)

Chair: AS

Scribe: AS


  1. Role call and agenda
  2. Approve Minutes of previous meetings April 5, April 12 and April 19
  3. Close Current Micro-ITS/hData Project
    1. New hData projects created, Micro-ITS to be reviewed in Orlando
  4. Review Wire Format Compatible documents (tentative)
  5. Review Orlando WGM agenda
  6. Future Meetings
    1. Review Wiki Make-over
  7. Adjourn

Called to order 4:06 Eastern

Motion: Accept agenda as posted (GB/BP) - unanimous

Approve Minutes April 5 and April 19

Motion: Accept April 5 as posted (GB/BP) Discussion:

  • IF wondered why the ebXML standard was pushed to normative based on older standards. He was unable to see from any of the minutes the rationale behind this standards submission.
- unamimous

Apr 19 - not done

Current Micro-ITS and hData project

AS to notify Keith Boone and let him know

Review Orlando WGM Agenda

BP wanted to make sure EXI was on agenda

Future Calls

Next week

  1. Review Wiki Make-over (tentative)


Call finished 4:38 Eastern