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Qualifier Notes

From HL7Wiki
Revision as of 18:44, 16 May 2005 by Hsolbrig (talk | contribs)
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The CTS Messaging API defines an interface that supports Qualifiers, as specified in the HL7 Version 3 Data Types Specification

The HL7 Version 3 Concept Descriptor (CD) Data Type includes a Qualifier component, which can "..constrain the meaning of the primary code, but cannot negate it or change it's meaning to that of another value in the primary coding system". The qualifier field is a list of Concept Role elements, which carry a name/CD tuple.

The CD specification includes the ability to test for equality and subsumption.

The HL7 CTS Specification includes supporting functions for both of these requirements:

equality/equivalence implies/subsumes

  • Note that these two methods don't define how equivalence and subsumption are determined - they simply define an interface that allows the question to be posed and an answer to be supplied