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20110413 SAIF AP ConCall

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SAIF Architecture Program – 2011-04-13 Meeting

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Meeting Logistics


  1. Role Call
  2. Agenda Review
  3. Enterprise Architect (EA) update (John Quinn) (Tracker 1865)
  4. Petition to accept CDA R3 into the SAIF Architecture Program
  5. Review SAIF & Sound from Project Services (Rick Haddorff)
  6. Discuss Communication Plan (Tracker 1866)
  7. Discuss Recruiting for Project Leads
    1. Tracker 1864 - Attend an INM call; find a Project Lead for the INM Wrapper Project #619
  8. Quality Plan PSS Revisions (Gregg Seppala) (Tracker 1878)
  9. Action item review (see below)
  10. Next steps

Meeting Attendees

Facilitator Austin Kreisler Note taker(s) David Hamill
Attendee Name Affiliation
X Austin Kreisler TSC Chair
Brian Pech
X David Hamill HL7 HQ / Program Manager
Ed Tripp Domain Experts SD \ TSC
X Gregg Seppala Product Quality Plan Project
Jane Curry Tooling
X Jim McClay Emergency Care
John Quinn HL7 CTO
X Lloyd McKenzie MnM Work Group / SAIF Implementation Guide Pjt
Lorraine Constable Composite Order Pjt \ OO Behavioral Framework Pjt
X Lynn Laakso HL7 HQ / TSC Project Manager
X Patrick Loyd OO Work Group / Composite Order Pjt
X Rick Haddorff Project Services WG / SAIF Pilot Coordination Pjt
Robert Lario Object Management
Steve Hufnagel ArB / SAIF Book Project
Wendy Huang
Quorum Requirements Met: Yes
quorum achieved as defined in the Work Group Decision Making Practices?

Action Items to Review

1850: ID List of Tools that the Composite Order Project Need<br\> Patrick identified Collab Net. this week. Any others? Next step for Collab Net? <br\> Discussion During Call: Collab Net is freeware, and Patrick, Lorraine can access it. However, in the future, if we have 50 or 100 people using it, should we form a relationship with Collab Net? Ask John Quinn for his input on this. <br\><br\> 1867: Determine what XML editor should be used for our work. <br\> Team, When should we begin work on this action item? <br\> Discussion During Call: Patrick: When MnM decides what the schemas will look like, that’s when we need it. Until then, we’ll manually create schemas.<br\> This item will require coordination with MnM and Tooling.<br\> Lloyd: Estimates that we should discuss this item around July.<br\> The PS WG’s coordination project needs to coordinate this effort. <br\><br\> 1863: Attend Strruc Doc’s CDA R3 call<br\> 1861: Have Austin or Patrick join the EHR call (Tuesdays 2:30-4pm) and SOA call, Mondays at 4pm<br\> FYI: Patrick and Austin attended the EHR call on Tuesday; will join SOA next week. <br\> Austin's update from the EHR call: They have already been doing work to align with SAIF so I invited them to join one of our upcoming calls to present on that subject. They are tentatively scheduled for the 4/27 call (I've added that to the agenda for that day). Steve Hufnagle is probably going to the be presenter. I encouraged them to start participating in the SAIF AP calls, join the list server and participate in the MNM Artifact definition calls. I also indicated we need to figure out how EHR FM and the OO Composite order project need to work together. At least the dialog has been started. <br\><br\> 1851: Logo Ideas for the SAIF AP<br\> FYI: Two have been submitted and uploaded to SAIF AP's GForge Doc tab <br\><br\> Link to the Complete List of Action Items/Issues/Risks (GForge)


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:

Enterprise Architect (EA) update (John Quinn) (Tracker 1865)
Patrick: Has a CD copy of it, and Lorraine needs a copy, but we don’t have it any other way of getting Lorraine Constable EA software Patrick indicated progress is inhibited right now and need access to EA.

Discuss Recruiting for Project Leads
Tracker 1864 - Attend an INM call; find a Project Lead for the INM Wrapper Project #619
Patrick: Key to success is to obtain resources.
For the pilot, we should find a couple of SOA resources and a couple of Struc Doc resources.
SOA facilitators, Services facilitators and Documents facilitators are the needed roles.
After the pilot, an big issue is that each group will need Services faclitators.
Patrick is not available to run the INM Wrapper project
INM is going to solicit for a project lead.
One way to successfully recruit resources, is to create a communication plan.

Austin: Create a Help Wanted section on the SAIF AP Wiki.
This can be done prior to PIC getting their work going on their effort of matching HL7 members with ‘needs and availability/expierience’ .

Discuss Communication Plan (Tracker 1866)
The communication plan should address how the pilot is progressing, how the IG is progressing, indicate “when will this affect me?”, indicate WIIFM (what’s in it for me), and when it will be available for projects to be SAIF branded.
Explain how SAIF should be implemented with existing standards.
First Task: Create an outline for a Communication Plan.
Austin: To start, he will talk up the SAIF AP at May 2011 WGM in Orlando. Will talk about it at Saturday’s TSC, present to Board on Tuesday, present at General Session, Wed Q4 SAIF AP meeting.

Review SAIF & Sound from Project Services (Rick Haddorff)
Rick reviewed Project #676 at a high level (
Progress to date:
Developed a PowerPoint discussion issues of moving from current artifacts to SAIF artifacts, and how they integrate in the HL7 Ballot Cycles. Created a White Paper based on the PowerPoint to provide more detail. The White Paper is still under review. Austin recommended the SAIF AP team be part of the review, as well as MnM if they want to.
The SAIF AP Communication Plan could use the PowerPoint and/or the White Paper if it chose to.
Rick felt the White Paper is more useful as a Communication tool rather than an Implementation Guide.
Gregg: The White Paper seems to focus on new standards. How should SAIF be implemented with existing standards?

Petition to accept CDA R3 (Project 477) into the SAIF Architecture Program
Struc Docs is proposing this be done.
SD WG is busy with meaningful use impacts to CDA R2, so SD WG has time to work on CDA R3.
How should the SAIF AP team handle these types of petitions?
Patrick: Keep the petition process simple, however be cognizant of the resource needs (various facilitators and modelers).

Quality Plan PSS Revisions (Gregg Seppala) (Tracker 1878)
Gregg summarized the changes that the scope now focuses on the Quality Plan is SAIF AP specific.
Gregg will modify Quality Plan PSS and resubmit it to the TSC for review/approval

Gforge Accounts can be requested via:

Adjourned 10:58 AM Eastern Time

New Action Items

Greg – Revise the Quality Plan PSS
Dave – Update Action Items
Dave – Post Mission/Charter on Wiki
Dave – Add tentative agenda to the TSC Wiki for Wed Q4 meeting in Orlando
Team – Send the listserv info on your WG’s meeting time in Orlando
Dave – Include the URL to request a GForge Link in the minutes email sent to the listserv