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Template:SAIF Artifact Definition

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  1. Search (or Go to) for a page with name like xxxxx_Artifact_Definition
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  3. Type {{subst::Template:SAIF Artifact Definition}} as the only content for the new page.
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    At this point, the contents of this template (with the following exceptions) will replace the substitution link. The exceptions are:
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The displayed contents below this line is the outline for an artifact definition

Return to Artifact List

Some Artifact Name

Artifact names should be descriptive and short. They may change as we further refine the methodology

Definition and Purpose

At a high level, what is this artifact and why is it needed? Note that according to HL7's Annotations Best Practices the opening fragment should be a noun phrase rather than a complete sentence. Should ideally be only a few sentences

Put text here

SAIF Matrix Location

Where does this artifact fit into the SAIF matrix? Delete those rows and columns that do not apply and provide qualification if appropriate

  • Conceptual (CIM)
  • Logical (PIM)
  • Implementable (PSM)


  • Enterprise/Business
  • Information
  • Computational
  • Engineering


Who will be the consumers of this artifact type and what will they do with it?


Under what circumstances does this artifact type need to be created? Are there circumstances where this artifact should not exist? Why?

Rationale: More text


What are the needs that this particular artifact was created to satisfy and why are those needs important. (Should not be more than 10-15.)

  1. Some requirement
    1. RationaleSome reason
  1. Some other requirement
    1. RationaleSome other reason

Relationships and traceability

What are the other artifacts that are related to this artifact? How? Why is the relationship important?

  • Some relationship
    • Rationale: Reason for relationship
  • Some other relationship
    • Rationale: Reason for other relationship

Artifact Technology

What technological/standard solution has been selected for use in creating this artifact and why?
Text here


What's the justification for selecting the chosen technology?

  • Some reason
  • Some other reason


What other technical solutions might have been possible that were discarded, what did they offer and why were they not chosen?

Some technology

  • Some pro or con
  • Some other pro or con

Content Constraints

What are the formal rules about how the artifact can be constructed, including any extensions and constraints based on the selected technology, as well as the rationale for those rules. These are rules that can reasonably be enforced or validated by tools.

  1. Some rule
    1. Rationale: Some reason
  1. Some other rule
    1. Rationale: Some other reason

Content Guidelines

What are the informal guidelines about how the artifact content. I.e. What constitutes good practice? These guidelines should be used in the evaluation of artifact instances but generally can't be enforced or validated by tools.

  1. Some rule
    1. Rationale: Some reason
  1. Some other rule
    1. Rationale: Some other reason

Publishing Reprentation(s)

How will this artifact be shared and published as part of specifications?

  1. Some text
    1. Rationale: Some rationale
  1. Some other text
    1. Rationale: Some other rationale

Publishing Constraints

What are the constraints imposed by the publishing process on how artifacts are constructed and submitted to HL7and what are the reasons behind such constraints?

  1. Some rule
    1. Rationale: Some reason
  1. Some other rule
    1. Rationale: Some other reason

Tooling Considerations

What tooling features are required or "nice to have" to allow successful development, publication or other use of the artifact?

  1. Nice-to-have|Required: Some feature
    1. Rationale: Some rationale
  1. Nice-to-have|Required: Some other feature
    1. Rationale: Some other rationale

Development Process Considerations

This section is optional. It identifies thoughts or guidance around how the artifact will be used. This may include development process, guidance on how many of this type of artifact are likely to exist within a domain or topic, etc.

  1. Some text
    1. Rationale: Some rationale
  1. Some other text
    1. Rationale: Some other rationale


This section is optional. It identifies any outstanding issues (methodology or otherwise) that need to be resolved/answered as part of the guidelines

  • Some issue
  • Some other issue