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February 8, 2011 CBCC Conference Call

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Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting

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  1. (05 min) Roll call, approve minutes February 1st, call for additional agenda items & accept agenda
  2. (20 min) Review action items January 18th,
  3. (35 min) Review NQF 0105 New Episode of Depression

Anti-depressant Medication Management: (a) Effective Acute Phase Treatment, (b) Effective Continuation Phase Treatment


1. Action Items

  1. Review action items from 20010118

2. Resolutions

Motion to approve minutes from 20110201 by Ioana and seconded by Richard

3. Updates/Discussion

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PQRI: Question: What is PQRI doing, they may not be what we expect them to be doing. PQRI is a voluntary physician quality reporting initiative sponsored by CMS it enables providers to report on their quality measure for an incentive payment. Eligible providers are specified and can voluntary report on as of 2010, 216 measures. These measures are basically claims based reporting process or registry process. They are trying to evolve into an EHR, right now claims based or registry. There is some relevance to us through their claims based process. Their individual measures identified can be combined with the NCQA certification, which are the measures that NQF uses. The measures they report on have to be NQF endorsed. There is overlap 2011 imp guide how to approach the claims based reporting may be useful to look at from a modeling perspective that we are doing. Defines categories codes QCodes.

Question: How much more are we going to do this?

Ioana: PHq9 is a PQRI measure

Richard: Are there other PQRI measures we should be looking at

Ioana: PQRI is more in the business of operationalizing measures that in creating new measures.

Serafina: They also maintain measures and do have a call for 2012

Ioana: Are they developing additional measures or are they are working with the same measures that NQF is managing?

Richard: If people are developing new BH measures we ought to know who they are.

Action: Follow up with Ken.

  • Are they developing additional measures or are they are working with the same measures that NQF is managing? Are they developing additional measures or just adoption of existing measures?
  • Are there other measures other than these 5 we are working with

Action item: To follow up on what it means to be a registry reporting process. (Serafina)

Action item: To review 2011 PQRI Implementation Guide may be useful in terms of a modeling perspective