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January 18, 2011 CBCC Conference Call

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Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting

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Meeting Information



  1. (00 min) Roll Call, Approve Minutes & Accept Agenda (postponed to January 25, meeting)
  2. (30 min) Discussion - SHIPPs Project in 'Safety Net World' view , Richard Thoreson
  3. (25 min) Action Item update
  • Action1: Regarding SHIPPS outreach - Serafina to report back on MITRE Corporation- response expected on Jan 21st, 2011.
    • Update: (no change) Mitre will get back to Serafina by 1/21st; at this point it is a tentative 'yes'
  • Action2: Regarding SHIPPS outreach - Richard and Serafina to present to EHR agenda working group. Since Gary Dickinson is traveling, this may not happed until February.
    • Update:
  • Action3: CBCC to discuss format of SHIPPS publication prior by February 2011
    • Update:
  • Action4: In order to send PPS to Steering Division; approve PSS as complete e.g. accept all revision markers. Outreach still ongoing. - Mary Ann will send the PSS to the Steering Division for approval and send the revised PSS to David Hamill.
    • Update:
  • Action5: Touch base with Ken Salyards (Floyd) requesting copies of QDS for NQF measures (retooled or otherwise) - Completed, we have the QDS spreadsheet.
    • Update: NQF received (by Mary Ann) by Ken
  • Action6: The need to make the process, value add explicit (Mary Ann)
    • Update: (In progress);

  1. (15 min) Item3
  2. (5 min) Other Business

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Discussion - SHIPPs Project in 'Safety Net World' view

Richard cautioned where the NQF would take us. The problem with the retooled measures is that they are still in the fee for service mode of tying the quality measures to what information we can capture during the bill paying process. This will not take us very far. We need to be working to a point where we are sharing much more of the clinical data that surround the billing data and also potential emphasizes the integration of services across multiple providers. The goal in the US is to bundle services trying to go to Health Homes and to understand a pattern of problems, services and outcome data that we can use in order to assess quality.

Serfina: The information modeling we are doing here is talking about how we can use data that is being captured during the normal course of treatment that is being capture in an EHR and how that data can automatically be used to generate measures against the data. Regarding the concern about it being patient centric and that most of this has been done using claims data; I would like to point out that we are seeing more EHR and clinical data repository being rolled out. The ONC information exchange group meeting focused on the Provider Registry. The use case for a provider registry is that it would allow a more comprehensive quality reporting for a provider, by being able to pull together all the quality measure data that might be found in various locations. The registry service would allow all of pertinent patient data to be pulled together. There are a number of infostructure functions and capabilities that need to be in place in order to look at data that is being collected in various locations and a patient centric way across organizations.

Richard: Billing is provider centric not patient centric.

Mary Ann: The emeasures is not a total solution, it needs to be applied to the EHR. We have different codes for billing and clinical. It is the QDS that provides the coding information we are using.

Richard: We are targeting QDS by trying to look at quality that is meaningful rather than quality that is measured in bits of information.

Mary Ann: As soon as someone provides us with the requirements for the clinical coding we can use it for these measures.

Richard: I am not talking about how to use a SNOMED code. I am talking about how we put information together by patient; you see a pattern of needs, a pattern of services and eventually the Safety Net World will have a fighting chance of pulling together all the relevant records for a client. PCAST is an ambitious attempt to light a fire under the whole system. The SHIPPS proposal needs to look at the Safety Net World, within a State where there is a single public payer. This means they are already collecting all the necessary data. What we are trying to do is to look at a whole pattern of needs in a community. The domain analysis model should capture the information underlying the pattern of needs in the community that is important to see in order to evaluate the effectiveness of a community behavioral health center.

CBCC is focused on the clinical however we can’t make sense of the clinical data in the EHR unless we talk about the integration of services in the community. That’s what missing from a lot of our measures of quality and let’s face it we don’t have measures for outcomes they are all self reporting no body believes it. The problem we have is some kind of larger context here I believe a few states that do want to look at the whole set of needs, services and outcomes. This is where I am pushing you. I am fine with working with the NQF measures at the moment but the context of ‘why am I an alcoholic’ and there will be some reasons for ‘why’ that will not be addressed in the clinic. So we won’t get there yet but we will try and establish some markers, a framework so that we can see it from a public payer point of view, this is where the value is. If we work with KP and private payers there is a problem of not see it from a single public payer views e.g. can’t see outcomes.

Mary Ann: What work in being done in the US in defining protocols for Behavioral types of measures?

Richard: We have a proposal and hoping to work with one or two states. We would pull together a Safety Net person e.g. it will essential pull all records on a person e.g. income tax, criminal justice, school data, training …anything the state pays for. What you see is a whole pattern of needs, services and outcomes. Now we have something.

Mary Ann: Another project separate from SHIPPS is defining the problem and requirements for tracking a delinquent.

Richard: We will just worry about the data standard level across services. So much of the data a state may have is all behavioral data e.g. reflect on how I behave, how effective I am in my job etc. If we look at all these services we can tell which provider is doing a good job and which one isn’t.

Mary Ann: These data sets already exist then?

Richard: Of course, they have them in cans all over the place in the state government.

Serafina: We can look at the FHIM behavioral model with respect to the quality measures.

Richard: We need to define behavioral problems more broadly than DSM diagnosis. If we do that then we will be a lot further ahead of what we are doing now. People are saying they are getting better but from a point of who is paying for the treatments they want to know if it makes a difference, in terms of all these other things a state is paying for.

Mary Ann: Creating model for NQF measures and get the implementation guide and have a clear sense of how it all works. Maybe we should look at a whole new area the behavioral area and it might be a different model.

Richard: You are flushing out clinical work flow or concepts that are needed in order to agree on how we are going to measures these things

Serafina: Let’s talk about the triggers that we need to do quality measures, and yes we need to look at all these other information that is tied related.

Richard: You will have a placeholder for behaviors, that is relevant to why you are in treatment

Serafina: As with the NQF there are stakeholders that determine what is quality. Who really is the authorizing body that will come up with this expansive definition? Is this something SAMHSA is defining?

Richard: No no, the hope is that let’s take criminal justice e.g. I am in treatment because I am in a court aversion program maybe for mental health problem. Measures could be different level of supervision.

Mary Ann: Looking at the model thus far everything you are outlining fits into it e.g. person information, procedure information etc. Is there a behavioral reporting data set that we could have access to?

Richard: SAMHSA is terribly underdeveloped in this area.

Mary Ann: I am interested in the kinds of information and reporting and how this fits into what we are already doing or if there are concepts we are missing. You also said that 2 states already have projects underway it might be something we can test