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January 4, 2011 CBCC Conference Call

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Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting

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  1. (05 min) Roll call, approve minutes December 14th, call for additional agenda items & accept agenda
  2. (05 min) Action Item update
  3. (05 min) CDA R2 Implementation Guide for Consent Directives update
  4. (45 min) High level overview of SHIPPS timelines and approach


1. Action Items

Action: Regarding SHIPPS outreach - Serafina to report back on MITRE Corporation

Action: Regarding SHIPPS outreach - Richard and Serafina to present to EHR agenda working group

Action: CBCC to discuss format of SHIPPS publication prior by February 2011

Action: In order to send PPS to Steering Committee; approve PSS as complete e.g. accept all revision markers. Outreach still ongoing

Action: Touch base with Ken Salyards (Floyd) requesting copies of QDS for NQF measures (retooled or otherwise)

Action: The need to make the process, value add explicit (Mary Ann)

2. Resolution

Serafina made a motion to approve minutes from Decemeber 14, 2010, which was seconded by Ioana

3. Updates/Discussion

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Informal meeting January 11, 2011 as WGM in Australia next week

The document DMAG_Contribution_to_HL7_S&P_Ontology to be discussed in Security prior to CBCC. Possible meeting date 20110118. Contribution to the Security and Privacy Ontology background information about research group (DMAG) at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) in Barcelona (Spain)

CDA R2 Implementation Guide for Consent Directives

All necessary votes completed e.g. ballot reconciliation done completed. The CDA R2 Implementation Guide for Consent Directives will be == posted to the CBCC, Security and perhaps the Structured Documents work lists.

SHIPPS Project Scope Statement (PSS) ==

  • Submission of PSS to Steering Committee this week
  • Mary Ann to forward PSS to Austin and cc coChairs for Steering Committee approval
  • Submission will be in queue for TSC/PMO approval
  • PSS already in Project Insight
  • If questions from Steering Committee CBCC will need to be responsive
  • Publishing of the Draft for Comment submission will need to be decided (e.g. pdf vs doc format or use of section headers, sections numbers, and line numbers).

Action: CBCC to discuss format of SHIPPS publication by February 2011

Interested Parties: Security WG, NQF Walter Suarez (KP hat), MITRE Corporation (in progress) Co Sponsors: Structured Document WG, EHR working group (in progress)

Outreach to interested parties in Behavioral Health In scope: EHR and the subgroup Records Management and Evidentiary Support (RMES) e.g. tremendous overlap

Out of scope: PHER and RCRIM at this point in time

Action: Richard and Serafina to present to EHR agenda working group Action: Serafina to approach MITRE Corporation