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DCM-MD Meeting 2010.12.13

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DCM for Medical Devices Meeting

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Meeting Information

Meeting Information


  1. Catherine Hoang
  2. Scott Powell
  3. John Rhoads
  4. Ioana Singureanu
  5. Jan Wittenber



  1. (05 min) Roll Call
  2. (05 min) Approve Minutes & Accept Agenda
  3. (15 min) Discuss proposal from Ioana Singureanu to add to scope of work analysis of IHE PCD high-priority work items for this development cycle such as Device-Patient Association
  4. (15 min) Determine disposition of remaining ballot comments if additional information has been received in from subject matter experts or in response back from commenters
  5. (5 min) Other Business


<provide links to referenced files here>

Discussion Notes

Subject matter export feedback still needed on the few remaining unresolved ballot comments, so this will be taken up again once the feedback has been obtained.

Ioana Singereanu proposed that the HL7 Health Care Devices Work Group take up for consideration some of the high-priority items recently discussed by IHE Patient Care Devices domain, particularly device-patient association. Jan Wittenber brought up the history of standards development organization consideration of the issues involved and pointed out that the matter in its full generality has many ramifications that touch on the concerned of a number of SDOs, and proprietary vendor interests.

There was consensus that, true as this was, there would be value in investigating and analyzing further what role if any HL7 HCD should take in progressing this, what the use cases and conceptual entities ought to be considered, and whether other SDOs (for example AAMI) are better placed to take the lead.

It was agreed that Ioana would work on this preliminary analysis, post some material on the wiki and email to alert the other members to get the discussion started.

The next phone meeting will be deferred till after the holidays, specifically January 10.

Action Items


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