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V3 PubProcess - Establish Environment

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Primary Targets documented on this page

This page documents a number of named ANT "targets" (names like 00.10...REVIEW properties) that invoke specific tasks, and documents. The combined publishing tools include ten "primary" targets, and over 25 "supplemental" targets. These are distinguished as follows:
  • Primary targets are shown on this page in bold face; they correspond to "batch" files of the same name.
  • Supplemental targets are shown on this page indented and in normal font; they correspond to "batch" files named with the prefix "supp-" followed by the target name.

00...Establish Environment

This section deals with the process of completing the installation process in Eclipse (if that is the environment), setting various configuration properties that characterize your computing environment to the publishing scripts (written and executed in ANT), and selected processes that can be invoked to reset the environment.

00.10...Configure Tools for Local Environment

The first step after installation is to configure the software environment for your use. This suite of tools relies upon two property files:

  • is located in the root directory. In this file you establish which documents wish to publish as you use the tools, and you further define the computing environment that is hosting the tool suite.
  • is located under "input/support/ant). It establishes default behavior for the publishing and "generation" processes themselves, and is of less importance to the normal user.

Specifics of the contents, purpose, default settings, etc. for the property files is on the page V3 PubProcess - Property Files. Following the steps on that page be sure to consider whether you need to assert non-default values for the following eight properties:

Recommended Settings for Properties (rows) in by User Objectives (columns)
Property Name Users Publishing Domain Content Users Publishing Non-domain Content Select your domain(s) Set to empty Accept default Set to empty Accept default Set to empty Set to empty Set to empty Set to empty Select your content only Set to empty Select your content only
VisioVersion Accept default, unless is wrong Accept default
UsingVistaInstaller Accept default Set to empty

Once the properties have been set, they can be verified with the target below.

Defined Processes (Eclipse Target or BAT file:
  • 00.10...REVIEW properties displays or lists every property that is defined for this environment. (The list produced in Eclipse is sorted, while the list produced in the log of the BAT file is not.)

00.2x...Configure for Eclipse Environment or Command Line (BAT files)

This tool suite is designed to be run in either an "Eclipse" framework, or from the command line using batch files. (These are fully equivalent ways of invoking the same ANT scripts.) If one decides to use the "Eclipse" environment, it is necessary to configure Eclipse to recognize ANT "extensions" used in these scripts. If one intends to use the batch (BAT) files, it will be necessary to extract these.

See V3 PubProcess - Configuration for installation instructions and more specifics.
Defined Processes (Eclipse Target or BAT file includes the following. The first of these has been executed by the installation process and the others are not needed for general use.
  • 00.20...Extract Simple BAT files - Extract all disguised Simple Bat files and rename them.
  • 00.21...Extract Publishing BAT files - Extract all disguised Publishing Bat files and rename them.
  • 00.22...Extract Generator BAT files - Extract all disguised Generator Bat files and rename them.

00.3x...Reset Generator Environment and Clear Selected generator Input

In order to create a generator environment which will reliably construct the full set of MIF files, it is often necessary to delete existing "temporary", "output", and selected "input" files from the Generator. (The latter step is necessary because the processes that copy files from the domain source do not remove "old" files that are not being replaced.) This section of the tool provides two processes to accomplish resetting and clearing.

Defined Processes (Eclipse Target or BAT file:
  • 00.30...RESET Generator Environment - Deletes all Temporary and OutputFiles from the Generator, except for OutputFiles/Reports and .log files.
  • 00.40...CLEAR Selected Generator InputFiles - Deletes selected Generator input files from InputFiles/DynamicModelFiles and InputFiles/VisioModelXmlFiles.

00.50...Clear Publishing output Directory

In general, each of the output sub-directories is deleted prior to re-building that domain or other file. However selected sub-directories, notably those under output/processable are not cleared, and thus may accumulate extraneous or erroneous files. This target will delete the output directory and all of its children.

Defined Processes (Eclipse Target or BAT file:
  • 00.50...CLEAR Publishing output directory - Deletes (scorched earth) the publishing /output directory

00.60...Export Selected Content From SVN

The tool is distributed empty of any source content in the /input directory tree. Such content is required for the tools to function. This target provides for the direct "export" of content from the HL7 SVN repository maintained under the "XML Publication Process" project on Gforge for all content that supports the publications selected in the "domain" lists and "non-domain" lists in step 00.10...Configure Tools for Local Environment above.

Defined Processes (Eclipse Target or BAT file:
  • 00.60...Export Selected Content From SVN - Export from the SVN server for the "xmlpublishing" project any missing content directories for all subjects (domains and non-domains) selected in the defined-environment.properites file. The process will:
    1. Determine whether the root directory for this subject exists. If it does, it will do nothing further. (In order to "refresh" content, you will need to delete the subject root directory in order to export it from SVN.)
    2. If the subject root directory is absent, it will export the content for the subject root directory and all of its sub-directories. This can take over three minutes for a large domain, and the process provides no indication of activity other than "starting" and "finished".

00.99...Reset for Fresh Start

Does "scorched earth" removal of content from Generator /TemporaryFiles and /OutputFiles (00.30), and publishing /output (00.50) and clears selected Generator /InputFiles sub-directories (00.40).

Defined Processes (Eclipse Target or BAT file:
  • 00.99...Reset for Fresh Start Complete reset combines 00.30, 00.40 and 00.50 from above.

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