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V3 PubProcess - Property Files

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Property File Specifics: Property files list a number of name/value pairs for properties and their (string) value. The import process ignores all rows that begin with # or that are blank. As installed, all of the rows in the will be ignored. The default values are established in the "build" file, and will be over-ridden by any values asserted here. Thus, if you do not wish to use the default, you must assert a property here.

  • File "" - is found in the root directory of these tools. It is broken into two primary content areas:
    • LOCAL CONFIGURATION DEFINITION section - determines the document content that the user wished to process. Its properties include:
      • and are two comma-separated lists of two-character codes that identify a particular domain. These lists are combined to determine which domains will be processed for publishing and generating. The default for the former (.active) lists all the non-support domains (like "pa" or "rx") of interest, while the default for the latter (.support) lists the "common" domains needed to support publication (like "ct" and "ai"). If left unset, the values will default to all non-support domains for the former property, and all support domains for the latter.
        To set a value for this or any property: remove the hash (#) from the beginning of the last line in that property definition, and delete the domains in which you have no interest. Be sure to leave no embedded spaces or a trailing space.
      •,, and are comma-separated lists of non-domain content codes. These codes are usually the same as the file lower-case name for the document when it is submitted for publication. These lists are used to determine which non-domain content will be processed for publishing. If left unset, the values will default to items shown in the "" file. Specific documents in these lists include:
        • are all of the "infrastructure" and much of the "help" content that are not domain analysis models and whose content is defined as a free-hand document in XML. (For contrast, see "special" types below).
        • are the domain analysis models being balloted.
        • are the items like the RIM that require special processing because their are based on a specific MIF-pattern rather than the more general "package" pattern. These are the RIM, Vocabulary and Data Types models.
        • are items that have unique processing requirements (such as the glossary and various index files.
      • is a property indicating whether the input content has a pattern of subdirectories are the traditional ones (with sub-directories like sourcegraphics, databases, otherdistribution, etc.) or the universalcontent pattern that the Publishing Work Group intends to adopt in the future. At present this tool suite only supports the "traditional" pattern.
    • ENVIRONMENT DEFINITION section - determines the processing "methods" for the publishing process; directory locations for the "generator" and "output" components of the package that may be located other than in the root; and the version and location of software support tools like RoseTree and Visio. Specifically:
      • env.mifbasedpub asserts whether or not the publishing tool will use the NEW MIF-based publishing in which the raw PubDb xml and "free-hand" document XML are converted to MIF 2.2 and then published to HTML from there. The default is "yes" and the alternate, using the "old" publication mathods has received less-thorough testing.
      • env.desktoppub asserts whether or not the environment is intended for desktop publishing. If set to yes, this enables "conditional" extraction of PubXml from PudDb> This allows the processes to only extract from the PubDb when the current "pub xml" file has a "date rendered" that is later than the latest "last edit" date in the PubDb. The recommended setting (and default) is "yes". This more efficient processing.
      • set.dir.generator and set.dir.output allow the Generator, or the output directories to be located somewhere other than the root of this suite of tools. By default, both elements are co-located with the suite of tools. In order to relocate either, set these parameters to the "absolute path" (including drive letter) for the alternate directory listing, and use the UNIX forward slash (/) to delimit sub-directories in that path.
      • VisioVersion declares the version of Visio installed on this machine. Two values are acceptable: "V2002" and "V2003-7".this parameter must be correctly set in order to generate Visio graphics and "clickable" maps for static model designs. If it is not set, it will default to "V2002".
      • UsingVistaInstaller - HL7 Programs (RoseTree and the publishing widget for PubDb extracts) running under Vista are installed by default in directory "C:\HL7Programs\HL7...", while the same programs on Windows XP are installed in "C:\Program Files\HL7...". This change is accomplished by using the [[Installing_and_Configuring_HL7_Tools#Installation_of_HL7_Tools_on_Windows_Vista |HL7 Tools Vista Installer] for installing RoseTree on Vista and for some, on Windows 7. In order to perform automated extraction of content from publication databases and Visio, the suite of tools needs to know the installation directory being used. This property should be set to "yes" if the "HL7ToolsVistaInstaller" was used to install the tools in the alternate directory. (The default is "no".)
  • File "" - is found in directory input/support/ant, and includes a few "configuration" properties, as well as many properties needed to define ANT scripts. Properties that provide "configuration" capability include:
    • id.publication provides an identifier that is included in the "header" material of each published specification. It should be set to the identifier for the current ballot cycle (assuming that one is publishing a ballot), such as "Ballot2011Jan". There is no default, the value must be asserted here.
    • logic.appenddomainqa determines whether or not to add a domain-specific quality assurance report to the table of contents and publication of each domain.(Preferred setting =yes).
    • copyQaSourceFromGen determines whether or not the source files are producing a quality assurance report are automatically copied from the Generator. (These files include MessageReferences.xml, and others.) (Preferred setting =true)

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