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ITS Concall Minutes 20100921

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ITS Teleconference - September 21, 2010

No Quorum

Present: Andy Stechishin (AS), Gerald Beuchalt (GB), Paul Knapp (PK)

Chair: PK

Scribe: AS


  1. Role call and agenda
  2. ITS Mission and Charter update
    • Andy give brief report on plan and dates
  3. Datatypes for UML
  4. Letter from SPL WG
  5. Neutral Mapping Updates
  6. hData Updates
  7. Adjourn


There was a general discussion on the agenda and planning for the Cambridge WGM and the activities for the next ballot cycle and the Sydney WGM. AS and PK reviewed the status of the agenda items from the last few teleconferences. There was also a discussion on the WG health report that should ITS to be 'Healthy' and a plan to address most of the outstanding items.

PK and AS agreed that unless someone on the list had agenda items for the Sept 28 teleconference, it should be cancelled. AS would post a note to the list and cancel as appropriate.


4:53 pm Eastern