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CDA R3 DRAFT Publication from PubDB
Revision as of 14:42, 12 September 2010 by PeterNGilbert (talk | contribs) (New page: This page is a link to a zip file that contains a DRAFT of CDA R3 as created using the v3 PubDB. I created this by copying text from the CDA R2 document into the pubdb into the places th...)
This page is a link to a zip file that contains a DRAFT of CDA R3 as created using the v3 PubDB.
I created this by copying text from the CDA R2 document into the pubdb into the places that I thought it should fit. This is not complete, as of 9/12/2010. It is meant to give us some idea of what the document would look like if we published it using the pubdb.
To view the preview:
1. Save the file to your computer. 2. Unzip the file. 3. Change to the domains\cd folder. 4. Open the hmpocd html file.
To download the file, click on the link.