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V3 Publishing Process Steps

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Revision as of 17:42, 12 August 2010 by Gwbeeler (talk | contribs)
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V3 Publishing Steps

00...Establish Environment

This section deals with the process of completing the installation process in Eclipse (if that is the environment), setting various configuration properties that characterize your computing environment to the publishing scripts (written and executed in ANT), and selected processes that can be invoked to reset the environment.

01...Content Submission

This section encompasses those steps undertaken by a Publishing Facilitator (or other person preparing part or all of a publication package) in order to assemble and "submit to publishing" their specific portion of the content. Note that in this context, "submit to publishing" means either to submit to HQ for publishing or to "submit" to oneself for local publishing.

02...Prepare Source Files For Publication

The various content files repaired by the Work Groups must be preprocessed in order to make them useful in the publication. For example, the domain content must be extracted( as an XML file) from the publication database; the Visio "BSD" files must be processed to create appropriately sized graphics, and a hyper-linked HTML "map" to drive graphic navigation; etc. This section documents the processes used in preprocessing these files.

03...Align Content Versions and Preview QA

Version 3 involves the aggregation of the variety of content that has been developed "in parallel" by a variety of work groups. As such, publication must be an injury to the process in which the content from multiple workgroups is a line, and in which a series of quality assurance evaluations must be made. This section documents the use coordination and review processes.

04...Generate MIF and Related Content

The HL7 V3 Generator is a tool whose primary purpose is to convert a set of domain and design content (frequently expressed in idiosyncratic xml formats, into a set of files expressed in the HL7 Model Interchange Format (MIF); and then to process the MIF files to create a supporting set of artifacts, such as static model schemas, table- and Excel- views of the static models, etc. This section covers the execution of the Generator processes.

Primarytargets and documentation on this page

This page documents a number of named ANT "targets" (names like 00.10...REVIEW properties) that invoke specific tasks, and documents. The combined publishing tools include ten "primary" targets, and over 25 "supplemental" targets. These are distinguished as follows:
  • Primary targets are shown on this page in bold face; they correspond to "batch" files of the same name.
  • Supplemental targets are shown on this page indented and in normal font; they correspond to "batch" files named with the prefix "supp-" followed by the target name.

05...Publish Specific Content

"Specific content" refers to material that is the publishing responsibility of a single facilitator or Work Group. It might be many things - a domain, a CDA Implementation Guide or an "infrastructure" specification. This section documents the processes needed to publish this material. As a general rule, the publishing of this content is driven from sets of content lists with names such as See the V3_PubProcess_-_Property_Files for a discussion of how these lists are defined and the actual property files for a list of all content identifiers.

04.80 or 05.10...Distribute Generated Content

Distribute generated files to Publishing Process directory structure.

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Defined Processes (Eclipse Target or BAT file:
  • 05.10...Distribute Generated Content - Distributes generated files to publishing process directory structure. Causes Domain content copy for 'active' and 'support' domains to output directories. (SOMEWHAT REDUNDANT TO -buildDomain)"

05.20...Select content to publish

Selection of content to publish is done through defining the domain and non-domain content lists that are applicable to your publishing environment. These values are in file in the root directory of these tools. These files include the "default" lists which are all possible choices for a particular list. (See also V3_PubProcess_-_Property_Files)

05.30...Domain Pub Process

Defined Processes (Eclipse Target or BAT file:
  • 05.30...Domain Pub Process - Builds domains in combined and lists

05.40...Run All Non-Domain Lists

Publishes content included in the various non-domain content lists.

Defined Processes (Eclipse Target or BAT file:
  • 05.40...Run All Non-Domain From Lists - "Builds content from all of the the** lists (see sub-targets for more specifics).
  • 05.42...Run General Non-Domain List - Builds content from the list
  • 05.44...Run DAMS List - Builds content from the list
  • 05.46...Run Special Models List - Builds content from the list
  • 05.48...Run Special Other List - Builds content from the list

05.50...Review Domain QA from Pub Process

Builds content from the list

05.99...Process all specific content

Combines the effect or running all of the 05.xx processes in one pass.

Defined Processes (Eclipse Target or BAT file:
  • 05.99...Run ALL Specific Content Lists Builds content from all content lists - both domains.** and**

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06...Publish Common Content and TOC

"Common" content is all of the material that is part of a ballot or publication but is not the domains and specifications being voted upon. Examples include the Version 3 Guide, the Facilitator's Handbook, Introduction and Welcome sections,the table of contents used to navigate the ballot, etc.

06.10...Update common content as needed

06.20...Select common content

06.30...Process TOC

06.40...Publish common documents

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07...Package Publication and Distribute

This final section covers those processes that assemble the material into a coat curherent website, or build packages for distribution in zip files and/or electronic media.

07.10...Generate manifests from MIF

07.20...Review and annotate QA



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Jump to Publishing Process "Root" Page GWBeeler 13:25, 21 July 2010 (UTC)