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July 13th CBCC Conference Call
Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting
Today's meeting was canceled due to scheduling conflicts related to today's agenda. The Security Risk Assessment for CDA R2 IG for Consent Directives will take place in two weeks on Tuesday, July 27th.
A call for agenda items will go out later this week. If we do not receive any items for next week, a cancellation notice will be sent to the CBCC list on Monday, July 19th in the afternoon.
- (05 min) Roll Call, Call for additional agenda items & Accept Agenda.
- (55 min) "Cookbook for Security" Risk Analysis -- CDA R2 Implementation Guide for Consent Directives
- Team: Over the next two meetings, the CBCC work group will prepare a privacy and security risk analysis for the CDA IG for Consent Directives.
- Our WG will share "lessons-learned" that are pertinent to the base standard (CDA R2) with the Structured Documents Work Group
- Ongoing Projects
- Privacy Policy Reference Catalog
- To resume once the PASS Audit work is wrapped up