Conformance 24th May
Frank Oemig
Doug Pratt
Joann Larson
Peter Gilbert
Charlie McCay
Mark Charles
Ballot Reconciliation
Use of Realm in v2.6 (if time permits)
Ballot Reconciliation
Item 153 - Charlie made a motion to strike the text and, after a suitable period for the retirement of the context-specific types, should deprecate the use of the context-specific specializations.. The motion was seconded by Peter Gilbert. Motion passed 6-0-0. Charlie will take as an action item to contact MnM for the definition of realm and subsets of that.
Item 156 - Charlie made a motion to change fully expanded generic types to instantiated generic types. Joann seconded that motion. Motion passed 5-0-0
Item 158 - Charlie is taking an action item to revise the example and send that to the listserve where we can examine and vote on that change at another meeting.
Use of Realm in v2.6
It was decided given the recent decision from MnM to actually use realm instead of context of use to not change the v2.6 at this time until the definition of realm has been fully defined.