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MnM Minutes CC 20090227

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M&M Conference Call Noon Eastern Time (Date above)


The following persons attended. Where there is a Work Group designator following their names, these persons voted on behalf of the Work Groups shown in the Harmonization Issues that were the primary focus of this call:

  • Beeler
  • Stechishin
  • Kreisler - PHER
  • Seppala - PA
  • Singureanu - M&M
  • Duteau - RX
  • Loyd - Clin Statement
  • Klein - Vocabulary
  • Walker - RCRIM
  • Jackson - FM
  • Nelson - ITS
  • Hausam - OO
  • McKenzie

RIM and Vocabulary Harmonization

The whole meeting was devoted to review and approval of a package of proposals that had been agreed upon in Orlando and were posted three weeks ago.

The Proposed Package and an updated data base were available for review. A Results Package is or soon will be posted.

Adjourned at 1:05PM

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