OHT Architecture Project Value Proposition Survey
The Following survey is a draft produced by OHT's Architecture Project Team. As Jane Curry is a member of the team and the current task is to test the survey for clarity, relevance and appropriateness of the questions, the team members are testing with their respective organizations to get feedback on the questions and also the process to get organizational approval. The proposed process to answer from HL7 International is to initially review and answer from the Tooling WG and then to take the resulting recommended answers to the CTO and from there to the CEO for formal HL7 approval.
If the intent of the questions are not sufficiently clear - we will document where the questions are unclear, our assumed intent and our interpretation of the question and then the answer.
The results of the test will be brought back to the OHT Architecture Project. A final version, with a recommended communication plan is expected to be distributed after the next OHT Board meeting in June. The intended audience is initially OHT member organizations, but potentially wider.
Please answer the following questions on the discussion page as you would with an HL7 International hat on. If answers would vary depending if you were answering from your own organization - please indicate so as well. Your feedback is very appreciated.
The purpose of this survey is to help discover the requirements for architecture within OHT from the perspective of those attempting to take up project work. The results will help clarify the role and granularity of architecture within OHT projects.
- 1. Describe your organisation (eg. national programme, regional programme, software vendor, health service provider, standards development organization, etc.) Multiple answers permitted.
- 2. What is the approximate size of your organisation, the size of the IT or product team and the number of people working on OHT projects?
- 3. Has your organization contributed to open source software? If so, please list the projects.
- 4. Does your organisation have an in internal architecture program (enterprise architecture) that governs and guides IT services including procurement and development practices? If so, what aspects are covered? (principles, frameworks, reference architectures, ontologies)
- 5. Does your organisation publish/provide this architecture to external parties? If so, what aspect of this architecture is part of your procurement requirements?
- 6. Does your organisation follow a strategic intent to leverage and follow national and international standards? Is this mandatory? Which standards bodies are the most important?
- 7. Do you expect projects under OHT to follow a single tooling architecture? 7.a If so, would you require this architecture to be conceptual, logical, platform specific, or technology bound?
- 8. Is it important to you that OHT provide a single tooling platform with an explicit binding to all architecture layers? 8.a Would you expect OHT to exclude projects that were not bound to a common architecture?
- 9. If multiple architectures are acceptable, how important is architectural governance and the support of a cohesive architectural framework? Essential? Important? Nice to have? 9.a Would you expect OHT to exclude projects that were not bound to a common framework?
- 10. What components of project deliverables are most important to you? Documentation, conceptual/logical models, platform bindings, source code? Please rank. 10a Which components of project deliverables best support integration into your IT environment?
- 11. Should OHT create strong architectural/framework rules at the outset; create a transition plan to escalate governance over time; or remain open to all projects?
- 12. How important is it for OHT to be open and inclusive of e-health tool projects? Should OHT trade inclusiveness for coherence? What balance is acceptable?
- 13. Should OHT expect all projects to describe whether they are following a formal OHT Architecture, intend to become aligned with a formal OHT Architecture, or are contributing to OHT without committing to OHT Architectural alignment?