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EHR RM-ES Resources
Revision as of 17:39, 26 March 2010 by Helenstevenslove (talk | contribs) (New page: # AHIMA. “Electronic Document Mangement as a Component of the Electronic Health Record.” October 2003. Available online in the FORE Library: HIM Body of Knowledge at: http://library...)
- AHIMA. “Electronic Document Mangement as a Component of the Electronic Health Record.” October 2003. Available online in the FORE Library: HIM Body of Knowledge at:
- AHIMA. “E-mail as a Provider-Patient Electronic Communication Medium and Its Impact on the Electronic Health Record.” October 2003. Available online in the FORE Library: HIM Body of Knowledge at:
- AHIMA. Health Information Management Practice Standards: Tools for Assessing Your Organization. Chicago, IL: AHIMA, 1998. Couldn’t find this, but found this—it’s LTC-centric—not sure this is what was intended…published in ‘01:
- AHIMA. “Implementing Electronic Signatures.” October 2003. Available online in the FORE Library: HIM Body of Knowledge at:
- AHIMA e-HIM Work Group on Maintaining the Legal EHR. "Update: Maintaining a Legally Sound Health Record—Paper and Electronic." Journal of AHIMA 76, no.10 (November-December 2005): 64A-L.
- AHIMA. “The Strategic Importance of Electronic Health Records Management.” Journal of AHIMA 75, no. 9 (2004): 80A–B. Available online in the FORE Library: HIM Body of Knowledge at:
- AHIMA. "Update: Guidelines for Defining the Health Record for Disclosure Purposes." Journal of AHIMA 76, no. 8 (2005): 64A-G. Available online in the FORE Library: HIM Body of Knowledge at:
- AHIMA e-HIM Work Group on Maintaining the Legal EHR. "Update: Maintaining a Legally Sound Health Record—Paper and Electronic." Journal of AHIMA 76, no.10 (November-December 2005): 64A-L. Available online in the FORE Library: HIM Body of Knowledge at:
- Amatayakul, Margret. “Access Controls: Striking the Right Balance.” Journal of AHIMA 76, no. 1 (2005): 56–57. Available online in the FORE Library: HIM Body of Knowledge at:
- Amatayakul, Margret, Steven Lazarus, Tom Walsh, and Carolyn Hartley. Handbook for HIPAA Security Implementation. Chicago, IL: AMA Press, 2004.
- Allman, Thomas Y. “Fostering a Compliance Culture: The Role of The Sedona Guidelines.” The Information Management Journal. March/April 2005. Available at:
- Allman, Thomas Y. Rulings Offers Lesson for Counsel on Electronic Discovery Abuse. Washington Legal Foundation (October 15, 2004). Available at:
- Anderson, Ellen Miller. “Online Clinical Documentation in the Electronic Legal Medical Record.” 2004 IFHRO Congress and AHIMA Convention Proceedings. October 2004. Available online in the FORE Library: HIM Body of Knowledge at:
- Arkfeld, Michael R. Electronic Discovery and Evidence. Law Partner Publishing, LLC. Phoenix, AZ. 2004.
- ASTM. Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Volume 14.01, Healthcare Informatics, Section 8, Signature Attributes. Volume 14.01 • Healthcare Informatics (750 pages, 39 standards, 2007 edition available in June) West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM, 2000.
- Black’s Law Dictionary (8th ed. 2004). See Hannah v. Heeter, 213 W.Va. 704, 584 S.E.2d 560 (W.Va. 2003)
- Blair, Barclay. “An Enterprise Content Management Primer.” The Information Management Journal 38, No. 5 (September/October 2004).
- Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. “Conditions of Participation for Hospitals.” Available online at
- Comprehensive Guide to Electronic Health Records, 2000 ed. New York, NY: Faulkner and Gray, 2000.
- Department of Justice Bulletin on Computer Records and the Federal Rules of Evidence. March 2001. Available online at
- Fox, Leslie, and Walter Imbiorski. The Record That Defends Its Friends, 6th ed. Chicago, IL: Care Communications, 1994. Available online in the FORE Library: HIM Body of Knowledge at:
- Glondys, Barbara. “Ensuring Legibility of Patient Records.” Journal of AHIMA 74, no. 5 (2003): 64A–D.
- “Health Insurance Reform: Security Standards; Final Rule.” 45 CFR Parts 160, 162, and 164. Federal Register 68, no. 34 (2003). Available online at
- Health Level Seven. “The Legal Aspects of the Electronic Health Record.” Unpublished work product of the HL7 work group on legal aspects of the EHR. May 2005.
- Health Level Seven. “Glossary of Terms.” Available online at
- Health Level Seven. Ann Arbor, MI: Health Level Seven, 1997, Sections 9.4.5-9.4.11, 9.5.5–9.5.10.
- HIMSS. “HIMSS Electronic Health Record Definitional Model, Version 1.1.” Available online at
- Hirsh, Harold L. “Will Your Medical Records Get You into Trouble?” Legal Aspects of Medical Practice 6, no. 9 (1978): 46–51.
- Huffman, Edna K. Health Information Management, 10th ed. Berwyn, IL: Physicians’ Record Co., 1994.
- Information and Documentation – Records Management Processes – Metadata for Records –Part I: Principles ISO/TX 23091-1-2004. Available from
- Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. 2005 Comprehensive Accreditation Manual for Hospitals, Update 3. Oakbrook Terrace, IL: Joint Commission, 2005.
- Kohn, Deborah. "When the Writ Hits the Fan." Journal of AHIMA 75, no.8 (September 2004): 40-44. Available online at:
- Murer, Cherilyn G., Michael A. Murer, and Lyndean Lenhoff Brick. The Complete Legal Guide to Healthcare Records Management. Washington, DC: Healthcare Financial Management Association, 2000.
- National Institute of Standards and Technology. Security Considerations in Information System Development Life Cycle. Revised 2004. Available online at
- Quinsey, Carol Ann. “A HIPAA Security Overview.” Journal of AHIMA 75, no. 4 (2004): 56A–C.
- Patzakis, John. “How the New Federal Rules Will Likely Change eDiscovery Practice.” The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel. June 2006. Page 38. Available online at:
- Requirements for Managing Electronic Messages as Records (ANSI/ARMA 9-2004). Lenexa, KS; ARMA International, 2004.
- Roach, William H. Jr., and the Aspen Health Law and Compliance Center. Medical Records and the Law, 3d ed. Chicago, IL: Aspen Publishers, 1998.
- Records Management Services/University of Sydney.
- Rollins, Gina. “The Prompt, the Alert, and the Legal Record: Documenting Clinical Decision Support Systems.” Journal of AHIMA 76, no. 2 (2005): 24–28.
- Scott, Ronald W. Legal Aspects of Documenting Patient Care. Annville, PA: Aspen Publishers, 1994.
- Skupsky, Donald S. and John C. Montana. Law Records and Information Management: The Court Cases. Denver, CO: Information Requirements Clearinghouse, 1994, 40.
- “Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information; Final Rule.” 45 CFR Parts 160 and 164. Federal Register 65, no. 250 (2000). Available online at
- Summary of the Report of the Judicial Conference, Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure.
- Tech Encyclopedia. “Digital Signature.” Available online at
- The Sedona Conference Working Group Series. “Best Practices for the Selection of E-Discovery Vendors.” July 2005.
- The Sedona Conference Working Group Series. “The Sedona Conference Glossary for E-Discovery of Digital Information Management. May 2005.
- The Sedona Conference Working Group Series. “The Sedona Guidelines for Managing Information and Records in the Electronic Age.” September 2005.
- The Sedona Conference Working Group Series. “The Sedona Principles Addressing Electronic Document Production.” July 2005.
- Tomes, Jonathan P. “Spoliation of Medical Evidence." Journal of AHIMA 76, no.9 (October 2005): 68-72.
- Waller, Adele, and Oscar Alcantara. “Ownership of Health Information in the Information Age.” Journal of AHIMA 69, no. 3 (1998): 28–38.