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20100218 arb minutes

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Architecture review Board Meeting Minutes

February 18, 2010

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  • Call to order
  • Review of Agenda
  • Approval of Minutes

February 11, 2010 Minutes

  • Review of OO project scope statement.
  • Task force statement
  • GF review
  • Action Items:

|Action items

  • Other business and planning for next meeting
  • Adjournment

Roll Call

Present: Tony, Jane Curry, Karen Smith, Cliff Thompson, Charlie Mead,Ron Parker, Cecil Lynch Regrets: Dale Nelson, John Koisch

Call to order

  • The meeting was called to order at 10:05 am U.S. Eastern with Charlie Mead as chair, and Tony Julian as scribe. Quorum was achieved.

Review of Agenda

  • The agenda was approved by affirmation

Approval of Minutes

  • MMS to approve the minutes of the February 11, 2010 Minutes (Ron /Cecil ) (4-0-0)

Review of OO project scope statement.

  • MMS to approve the OO project scope statement (Tony/Jane) (4-0-0).
  • In one of the august telcon we had a record of the accepted alpha projects and the liason. Charlie or Ron will

Review of Security Ontology Project scope Statement

Cecil will write three or so sentences describing the concerns of the ArB.

Ron Parker: It talks about mergint with SAIF when SAIF is mature: We need to identify sooner rather than later how this will affect the SAIF book. From a SAIF book perspective we are looking for the dimensions of privacy.

Ron/Cecil will prepare statement(s), and send out for Email vote, so we can present to TSC on monday.

Ron Parker:we need to tell them that our concern is with the scale and scope. We think this is several pieces of work.

(Ron Parker assumed chair.)

Cecil Lynch: presented the BFO ontology. This is a philosophical approach to defining everything in the world at a very high level. The people who have real jobs building ontologies for real things, dont use this. Out of this you get the ability to bridge to others who have used BFO to map their ontologies.

Ron Parker: There is no such thing as a context-independent ontology.

Cecil Lynch:It has use when you are trying to find your way. It is a huge task to work you way up from services to this. I dont think having srvices map to the gene ontolgy would not be useful in the next 10 years.

Jane Curry: The scope statement is missing detail

Cecil Lynch: This will take a long time to get to ballot.

Cecil Lynch: I would like to see a collected time in the spatiotemporal_region. This alone would take hours. They are discussing bridging SNOMED to this. This is not the way to get something done in HL7.

Jane Curry: I cant see who they think is participating in the projects. We cant see comitted individuals to the project.

Cecil Lynch: Cliff were you involved?

Cliff Thompson: The guy that is pushing it on their side is Berndt Bloebel, along with Mike Davis are behind the document.

Jane Curry: Bernd has provided his recent work. We would suggest that we would recommend suggestion as to where this work would fit within the SAIF framework.

Cecil Lynch: There may be a body of work behind this that would address our concerns about the timeline. We should ask for a time box on the elements, and the artifacts behind them. Bernd may have a headstart on making this happen.

Cecil Lynch: They could have applied SAIF to the scope statement. I am puzzled about the "when it is mature".

Cliff Thompson: Mike Davis put it in there.

Ron Parker: We are risking being over-analytical. My concerns are along the line of how to get this into SAIF sooner - and relevance. I dont think this project can develop an entire ontology for privacy.

Jane Curry: The RMODP concept of community being a set of objects, where some objects serve in an interoperability role, part of Bernd's work is on distributed objects, so some of his work is bigger than the capabilities we are discussing.

Task force statement

Will discuss next week.

  • GF review
  • Action Items:

  • Other business and planning for next meeting
  • Adjournment