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January 26th 2010 Security Conference Call
Revision as of 02:18, 8 February 2010 by Finaversaggi (talk | contribs) (New page: =Security Work Group Weekly Conference Call= ==Meeting Information== ==Attendees== * [ Bernd Blobel] Security Co-chair, absent * [mailto:bbrai...)
Security Work Group Weekly Conference Call
Meeting Information
- Bernd Blobel Security Co-chair, absent
- Bill Braithwaite, MD
- [mailto: Andre Carrington]
- Steven Connolly
- Mike Davis Security Co-chair, absent
- Suzanne Gonzales-Webb CBCC Co-chair
- John Moehrke Security Co-chair
- Pat Pyette
- Serafina Versaggi scribe
- (05 min) Roll Call & Call for Additional Agenda Items
- (25 min) Phoenix WGM Meeting Update
- (10 min) Plan for next week's agenda items
- Quorum was met. Some confusion as to whether this week’s meeting was still on the agenda which may account for the low turn-out for today’s meeting
1. Action Items - N/A
2. Resolutions - N/A
3. Announcements - N/A
4. Updates/Discussion
- Ballot Reconciliation:
- All three ballots being tracked by these workgroups passed during the Phoenix WGM. This meeting remained on the calendar in the event we needed additional time to finish reconciliation
- Ballot spreadsheets will be posted on the ballot site as well and on GForge by Monday, Feb 1
- Formal requests to withdraw negative votes will be sent out by the WG co-chairs once the ballot comments have been posted
- Project Scope statements for new projects will be submitted by deadline 31 January 2010
- Revised Security DAM – DSTU ballot intended for May, September if content deadline cannot be made for May
- Security & Privacy Ontology, not intended for May 2010 ballot
- Privacy Templates project scope statement is currently in draft and will not be submitted by this Sunday’s deadline, and is not intended for the May 2010 ballot
- Risk Assessment process will be published as soon as John is officially able to update the HL7 site
- A number of folks were unable to make the presentation at the Phoenix WG, so it was suggested that John presents again in a future meeting.
- Education track for Boston Sept 2010
- Pilots between now and then to gain experience
- CDA R2 IG for Consent Directives
- Medical Device Security in Distributed Systems
Meeting was adjourned at 2:00 PM EST