VMR Act Participations
This is an area where the VMR is likely to pre-coordinate participations of interest.
eg The patient and Author/Performer and the Organization responsible for the patient care at the time of the Act.
The mapping to the RIM may involve slightly different logic depending on the source message but and example would be providing a direct link from Act To a Patient (as a Person Class). This could be specified by a OCL/GELLo query on the full RIM Model
eg: eg Structured Document
Act.recordTargetChoice -> Select(typecode='RCT').role -> Select(classCode <= 'PAT').Person
Any of these direct links need to be traceable back to the full RIM model and will be defined as part of this process. On the object model OCL would be the best representation, while xpath could be used on instances of messages in xml format.
In the GELLO context of "SinglePatient" there can only be one patient. CCD documents only allow one patient apart from conjoined twins. In this unusual case the "SinglePatient" context would require decision support of each conjoined twin to be done separately, even though they may share Observations. This should not represent a problem as the vMR is a snapshot.
In GELLO Population context this may not be the case and this needs to be considered in the Model. In OCL a collection containing a single item can be treated as a class of that item, which solved the problem for the most part.