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OO CR002-Specimen CMET For DICOM
Revision as of 02:04, 22 January 2010 by Akreisler (talk | contribs) (OO CR02-SpecimenCMETForDICOM moved to OO CR02-Specimen CMET For DICOM)
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Submitted by: Austin Kreisler | Revision date: <<Revision Date>> |
Submitted date: 1/21/2010 | Change request ID: CR02 |
Standard: Specimen CMETs | Artifact ID, Name: New Specimen CMET for Imaging |
Imaging Integration would like to have a specimen cmet that has an entry point into the Specimen in Container, or Identified Specimen class in the model instead of directly into the specimen role. There also need to be new attributes added to support imaging requirements for specimen.
- See diagram:
Support DICOM specimen requirements
Recommended Action Items
(Resolution is to be recorded here and in the referenced minutes, which are the authoritative source of resolution).