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OHT - HL7 UML Modeling Tools

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Revision as of 19:14, 18 January 2010 by JohnTimm (talk | contribs)
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The overall goal of this project is to enable use of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) for creation and implementation of HL7 standards. For more details on the design and implementation of these UML-based tools, see the Open Health Tools (OHT) project home page Model-Driven Health Tools (MDHT) The MDHT project is co-lead by VHA and IBM. All participants are welcome as users, interested observers, or project team developers.

There are two major components within this project:

  • RIM Core Tools -- Core framework tools for modeling RIM-based design in UML
  • CDA Tools -- Design and implement CDA templates using UML

Goals of the RIM Core Tools:

  • Create a UML profile of stereotypes for extending UML with HL7 metadata
  • Transform HL7 MIF model artifacts to/from UML, using the profile extensions
  • Create UI extensions for Eclipse-based UML tools for editing and viewing HL7 extensions
  • Generate implementation artifacts: XSD, Java

CDA Tools [1] is a component within the MDHT project. This component will develop a UML approach for constraining HL7 Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) to create reusable templates and implementation guides. Tooling for consumers and implementers of CDA will be produced by generating runtime components from models of implementation guides. Objectives of the CDA Tools are to:

  • Accelerate and lower cost of adopting CDAr2 standard.
  • Provide a model-driven framework for generating runtime API that supports:
    • Domain specific API (e.g. BloodPressureReading instead of Observation)
    • Construction of instances that conform to one or more templates
    • Consumption of XML instances that deserialize into appropriate template
  • Support the validation of instances against constraints defined in model.
  • Generate publishable CDA implementation guides from UML-based conformance rules

pilot project link OHT status link