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HData Template Sub Project

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Revision as of 14:58, 12 January 2010 by Andy (talk | contribs)
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Back to Structured Document Template Design Pilot


The goal of this effort is to demonstrate that hData can be used to capture and exchange information in a similar fashion to CDA. Using hData, we will translate a CDA based progress note into an hData Record and then back into a CDA R2 document. The translations should not introduce any data loss and the hData Record Format should not impose any restrictions that would hinder the representation of clinical information.


This project assumes that prior to the Execution Phase, the following artifacts will be available:

  • Templates required for a progress note
  • Example progress note documens

Project Execution Phase

Build an end-to-end CDA CDA R2 progress note using hData

This effort will focus on building an hData Content Profile to represent the progress note. This means that we will devise simple schemas (where element and attribute names match business names) for the content of the progress note. Schemas will be designed "by hand", which means that the team will look at the template definitions and then create an XML Schema using an XML editing software suite (such as XML Spy or oXygen). We will also specify the folder structure of the hData Record. Once the content profile has been established, we will hand code the given examples using hData.

Develop template-related services using hData

In this phase, we will create XProc pipelines that will utilize XSLT to translate the CDA R2 based progress note to hData and vice-versa.

Depending on timing this phase may also involve collaboration with the MDHT Template Sub Project. This collaboration could take place in two possible ways:

Using hData Schemas - In this case, the hData team would create XML Schemas that will be used in the hData Record. These schemas would be created by hand (as described above in the Project Execution Phase). The MDHT would then map these hand crafted schemas into their models. With the mappings in place, MDHT should be able to produce tools to translate from CDA R2 to hData, eliminating the need for hand coded XProc and XSLT.

Using MDHT Schemas - The MDHT project would generate XML Schemas that have business names for element names. The hData Content Profile would consist of these schemas and the only input into the content profile by the hData team would be the folder structure. Again, the MDHT tools would eliminate the need for hand coded XProc or XSLT. This would be an ideal case because it involves the smallest amount of hand coded work. However, it is also probably the most difficult path to take for the project due to the collaboration necessary between the hData and MDHT teams and the readiness of tools by both efforts.