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RPS Meeting Notes 01052010

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Revision as of 15:14, 5 January 2010 by Martijames (talk | contribs) (New page: Date: Tuesday, January 5, 2010 Time: 7:30 AM EST – 8:30 AM EST HL7 Telecon: 770-657-9270 Participant Passcode: 745896 Webinar:
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Date: Tuesday, January 5, 2010 Time: 7:30 AM EST – 8:30 AM EST HL7 Telecon: 770-657-9270 Participant Passcode: 745896 Webinar:


  • Updates – Project Status for RPS R2 activities(e.g., ballot activities, next steps, etc.)
  • Prep/Review for the RPS R3 Project Scope Statement presentation (see reminder below)
  • January 2010 HL7 WGM Information – meeting times, agenda, etc.
  • Other agenda items?

Discussion Notes

Updates – Project Status for RPS R2 activities

(e.g., ballot activities, next steps, etc.)

Post-Phoenix Meeting Schedule

RPS R2 - periodic updates to the RPS [R3] Working Group Meetings

Need to assess the RPS R2 Implementation planning activities to determine any overlap; FDA and PhRMA are discussing the planning necessary (e.g., identification of outstanding implementation needs) offline (to allow R3 activities to begin) - report of issues can be done at a periodic interval to the RPS WG.

DSTU Testing - Vocabulary to test the RPS R2 will be a subset (e.g., select application types)

Need to coordinate the final Vocabulary requirements and perhaps working in other groups to accomplish this in ICH.

Request meeting times for RPS meetings - proposals should sent to the listserve; 7:30 AM EST and 12:00 PM EST? The decision is that we will meet biweekly at 7:30 AM ET for 1.5 hours. Begin on January 26, 2010 with the biweekly schedule.

Domain Model Walkthrough -

Prep/Review for the RPS R3 Project Scope Statement

Andrew Marr sent in some comments; need to add an example for lifecycle management; for hyperlinking (e.g., addressing links that are not linking to current documents) in place of broken links; NMV needs to be spelled out in the document.

No other comments discussed.

January 2010 HL7 WGM Information

Meeting - Tuesday, January 19, 2010

  • Q1 - Ballot Reconciliation
  • Q4 - Planning - should focus on RPS R2 DSTU Planning and any DAM Ballot requirements (e.g., planning BRIDG Harmonization)

Note: There will be NO Virtual connectivity for the Phoenix meeting.

Note: Need to establish a telecon for RPS R3 Planning to occur after the working group meeting.

  • Ad-hoc Meetings: Will establish an informal dialogue with HL7 and ISO experts to bring information (and a source) to the RPS WG regarding various paths to work/collaborate with ISO.

RASH Project Plan

Need to determine if this project should be worked in with the RPS WG

Will need to work with the RCRIM/Vocabulary (Bron Kisler)to understand what the Vocab group can offer; are there any international work being done that can be leveraged.

  • Need to understand the ownership of terms/concepts (internationally)
  • Need to identify other working groups that may be responsible for authoring the terms (note: across the product lines and regions)

Need to create a list of required controlled terminology that is needed (see spreadsheet); need to recirculate the spreadsheet to discuss the vocabulary concepts for RPS. Action: please send any concepts that need to be created

Need to identify ownership to one of the subgroups (e.g., R2-Implementation?)

Need to send the RPS Controlled terminology used last year for testing in EVS

  • Other agenda items?