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December 9th 2008 CBCC Conference Call

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Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting


  1. Ioana Singureanu Scribe
  2. Richard Thoreson Chair
  3. Jean-Henri Duteau
  4. Frank Din
  5. John Moehrke
  6. Russ Hamm
  7. Kathleen Connor


  1. Suzanne Gonzales-Webb
  2. Rob McClure
  3. Dave Carlson
  4. Tony Weida


  1. (05 min) Roll Call
  2. (05 min) Approve Minutes November 18th 2008 CBCC Conference Call 6-0-0, Agenda Approval 6-0-0
  3. (15 min) Shared Message Topics - Jean-Henri Duteau

MOTION (Jean-Henri/Ioana:6-0-0 ): The "Masking Topic" currently published in Shared Messages R2 and approved as normative in Shared Messages R1 would become a topic under "Medical Records", perhaps reuse some of the constructs in "Composite Privacy Consent Directive" topic, and be included in the Domain Analysis managed by CBCC. CBCC would become the owner working group for the "Masking messaging" project."

  1. (20 min) HITSP Alignment - Kathleen Connor
  2. (10 min) Ballot Overview (Ioana Singureanu). The ballot is open (as of Dec. 3rd)

  1. (10 min) Modeling publishing - Dave Carlson DITA update, OASIS balloting, Publishing project

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