Detailed Clinical Model instance construction
Patient Care The HL7 steering committee, domain experts TSC, and the HL7 board approved the Patient Care Proposal
HL7 Project Scope Statement_PatientCare2008DCM-ID320.doc
Work has started in preparation of the Vancouver meeting where on Tuesday Sept 16, examples of the format, the Glasgow Coma Scale and Blood Pressure where presented, consisting of a word document describing the clinical details, a xls spreadsheet holding all data elements, meaning, data type and code from code system / terminology and a UML model.
Generic comment from attendees:
continue the work
we must look at meta information we must look at consistency in UML modelling and harmonising with existing examples. we must look at appropriate coding etc.
ergo: work started and needs to continue, but discussions on all elements will evolve discussing more examples.
William Goossen 17 sept 08