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Revision as of 20:28, 21 September 2009 by Rene spronk (talk | contribs) (→‎Threats)
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Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats for the RIMBAA WG


  • Active members with actual experience of v3 implementations
  • Active members with a passion for health information technology
  • Deep understanding of RIM and Methodology


  • Inbalance in ability to share information due to Intellectual Property issues
  • Quite a few active contributors to the deliverables don't take part in WGMs (those are too much geared towards standards developers)
  • Doesn't "quite fit" with most other ongoing HL7 activities - it doesn't produce standards and neither does it support the standards creation process


  • Has the ability to show the power of v3 well beyond that of "messaging"
  • Shows value of Enterprise Architecture Framework (SAEAF)
  • Has the capability to ease implementations of v3 (best practices, reference implementation)


  • Stifling effect of Intellectual Property issues
  • Irrelevance of RIMBAA in the eyes of some: the "We have too much legacy stuff to care about RIMBAA" argument
  • RIMBAA not seen as an active WG because few implementers attend WGMs.
  • Risk that commercial parties use the WG as a marketing platform for tools.