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RIMBAA 200905 WGM Agenda
Revision as of 14:51, 17 May 2009 by Michael.vanderzel (talk | contribs)
Regretfully the attendance was to low. We decided to join other WG sessions. I mainly concentrated on ArB SAEAF (see [20090510_arb_Kyoto_agenda]) and Detailed Clinical Models with Patient Care. I actually got myself an action item. I have to write a whitepaper on the position of RIMBAA in the SAEAF matrix. Next time we have to publish an agenda sooner, so it will be included in the materials handed to all HL7 attendees. --Michael 14:51, 17 May 2009 (UTC)
"RIMBAA in Kyoto"
- Note: Peter Hendler won't be present during this WGM.
Monday Q1 (09:00-10:30) - room 670
- Approval of agenda for the week, minutes of the last WGM RIMBAA_200901_WGM_Minutes
- Review and approve RIMBAA SWOT
- Review RIMBAA in the HL7 Roadmap
- Agree upon the future goals of the RIMBAA WG: (draft)
- Marketing - Public exposure of successes (of v3 implementability and the RIM itself)
- Sharing of experiences and solutions
- Document/describe (for all possible cell transitions) how those steps could be supported/achieved.
- We focus on Patterns for Application Development. Guidance, no normative outcomes.
- Reference Implementation (Java SIG materials, extend OHT?)
- Education - for newbies to RIMBAA
- Standard Improvement
- Work with ITS WG on an RS XML ITS and the identification of CS-RS transition issues
- Identify issues caused by the ‘interoperability mindset’ of the RIM
- V3 constructs: Context Conduction, Update Mode, Object Versioning
- Work on SAEAF Platform-Specific_-_Engineering - Wednesday Q4 with ArB - RIMBAA & SAEAF
Monday Q2 (11:00-12:30) - room 670
Wednesday Q3 (13:45-15:00) - room 673
Possible Subjects
- (pure/backbone) RIM based ITS - discuss in ITS WG
- discuss and work on cell transitions
- Issues on Wiki: Category:RIMBAA Issue
- review the Technology Matrix
- work on a RIMBAA slide deck (use the this file as a starter?). Note: "Save As" .pptx, not as a .zip.
- impact of proposed RIM changes to RIMBAA