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April 28th 2009 Security Conference Call

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Security Working Group Meeting

==Attendees== (expected)


  1. (05 min) Roll Call, Approve Minutes, Accept Agenda
  2. (15 min) Security Use Cases Ioana Singureanu/Steve Connolly

Part of security DAM which is going to TSC now. We are soliciting use cases from both the Seucrity WG and the CBCC WG.

Currently have 5 use cases
  1. IN1.2 Authenticate users and systems
  2. IN1.3 authorize users and systems
  3. IN1.4 enforce privacy policy and consent directives (access control)
  4. IN1.5 "Non-repudiation" Enforce authenticity of legal healthcare documents
  5. IN1.6 "security data exchange" Enforce security exchange of personal health records

there are possibly other functional models that have similiar infrastructures

  1. (15 min) Item2
  2. (15 min) Item3
  3. (5 min) Other Business

Action Items

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