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CSCR-040 Refine Author Particpation

From HL7Wiki
Revision as of 15:25, 28 February 2006 by CVBishop (talk | contribs) (→‎Resolution)
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Editing of Change Requests is restricted to the submitter and the co-chairs of the Clinical Statement Project. Other changes will be undone. Please add comments to the "discussion" page associated with this Change Request.

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Submitted by: Heath Frankel Revision date:
Submitted date: 6 Feb. 2006 Change request Id: 040


A clinical statement may have context conducted from its entry association. However, the Author participation is currently 1..*. In addition, the time attribute is 0..1 but required. These constraints are to restrictive.


  • Change cardinality of Author Particpation from 1..* to 0..*
  • Change conformance of Author.time from Required to Optional


The 1..* cardinality on author requires systems to provide an author even when the author of the clinical statement is the same as the conducted author. The Required conformance on the time attribute requires systems to support this attribute even if they have no need to required the time of authoring.


Recommeded Action Items

  • A constraint should be added, to ensure that an Author should be conducted to the Clinical Statement if an Author is not provided
  • Approve Change Request with addition of the above constraint


23/02/06 1st AP, 2nd CB - Against 0 Abstain 0 For 6.Approved.

28/02/06 v0.2.2 od CSP updated - CVB