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V3 Publishing ConCall Minutes 20090211

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Minutes of Recent Publishing Conference Calls

Wednesday, February 11, 2009 -- 4:00 PM Eastern


Beeler, Kreisler, Seppala, Stechishin, Savage


Issue with RoseTree

Austin reported an issue with Rosetree, version 4.2.23 seems to work, 4.2.24/4.2.25 do not

Review Minutes of February 4, 2009

Stechishin/Savage 4-0-0

MIF Lite

Woody briefly reported that W3C had approved the licensing of files (with W3C licenses) in the MIF Lite package.

Issue with Invalid Value Sets

Woody reported on an issue with invalid value sets in the normative edition (please follow link for full description). The affected value sets can be corrected very shortly. A patch for NE2008 will be prepared comprised of vocabulary files, a source design repository, vocabulary schema, and MIF files.

Woody wanted the group's views on whether patches for other ballots should also be prepared. Austin suggested announcing the patch and offering to create patches for other ballots if required.


CDA R2 has gone to ISO.

ICSR an issue remain in how to get rid of a link to a conformance document. The work so far has been very useful in implementing the constraining process to be used in future publishing.

SVN and Publishing

No updates

Notes from Don Lloyd

Don was unable to attend the call

Round Table

Gregg - When reviewing the ballot and looking at the Visio model files, Gregg noticed 3 of the 80 files have the UV suffix, all of the rest have no suffix. Woody responded that the Visio filename is not significant. Gregg wanted to ensure that there would be no problems in the preparation and publishing of the Normative Edition, as he would be unavailable during the next week.

Gregg - Patient Administration has inherited scheduling, Rene Spronk requested that PA look at creating a universal scheduling CMET. create new A_Appointment_Universal but there is one Woody suggested new name A_Appointment_Comprehensive_Universal or deprecate old CMET, do analysis to see if old is used raise in MnM will do 2 ballots, first for comment

Andy - Wiki updates proceeding and should be finished presently

Austin - confirmed that CMETs balloted as a group by domain, CMETs advance independently? or whole package? Woody - as before Austin has an issue that Public Health had a 'placeholder' CMET that was in a previous ballot, there is now a requirement to turn this into a real CMET. based on bylaws advice of CTO (re-open pool or 2 pool)

Adjourned at 4:47 PM Eastern