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CSCR-074 Location

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Submitted by: Austin Kreisler Revision date: <<Revision Date>>
Submitted date: 12/17/2007 Change request ID: CSCR-074


The Clinical Statement Pattern doesn’t support all the types of locations that public health needs to document. Currently locations are limited to service delivery locations.


  • Replace the existing ServiceDeliveryLocation role with the R_ServiceDeliverLocation universal CMET. This will allow a richer set of data to be collected and transmitted regarding a service deliver location.
  • Add a IDENT role played by a choice of E_PublicHealthPlace universal or E_Place universals. The IDENT role should be scoped by a choice of E_Organization universal or E_PublicHealthOrganization universal. This will allow communication of identified locations. These are not necessarily service delivery locations. The role should include the id (II) and code (CE) attributes as optional attributes.
  • Add a LOCE role, played and scoped by a choice of E_PublicHealthPlace universal or E_Place universal. The role should include the id (II) and code (CE) attributes as optional attributes. The LOCE role will have a subject participation to the A_SpatialCoordinates universal CMET. This will allow communication of GIS type coordinates for the located place.
  • Add a choice which will contain the R_ServiceDeliveryLocation universal CMET as well as the IDENT role and LOCE roles. Attach the choice to the clinical statement model via the existing location participation.


In public health we need to communicate about locations that are more than simply service delivery locations. Locations may be simply identified (IDENT). Places where public health acts may take place may take place may need to be documented in a hierarchical fashion or via GPS or other coordinate systems (LOCE).


CSCR-074 Location.gif

Recommended Action Items


January 2008 WGM - Motion to accept with use documentation to be provided. Austin, Dave. Against: 0; Abstain: 11: In Favor: 17

12 Jan 2009 - CSP v1.2.01 updated - CVB