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December 16th 2008 Security Conference Call

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Security Working Group Meeting

==Attendees== (expected)


  1. (05 min) Roll Call
  2. (05 min) Approve Minutes & Accept Agenda
  3. (15 min) Item1
  4. (15 min) Item2
  5. (15 min) Item3
  6. (5 min) Other Business

Action Items

Request for clarification on the following (from Constraint Catalog spreadsheet[1] )

  • Definition for ‘Purpose of Use’ requested by R.Thoreson
  • Clarification for Column H requested ‘Confidentiality Related To Health Information Access restrictions placed on a record of health information’ {D-Clinician, I-Individual, N-Normal} this header is from the Data Consent Model/CBCC, Kathleen Conner will be requested to respond.

[K.Connor] response:

  • confirm Confidentiality as listed in columns is pertaining to who the constraint is being applied to i.e. Clinician or Individual (background purpose i.e. as part of policy/patient directive)
  • The term 'Normal' confirm that this is a ‘default’ setting, if otherwise, please clarify.

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